I wonder… those of you who have used the excellent MQTT software (stand-alone – not the LUA version)… I need to do two things – one of them is giving me problems but is no doubt trivial – the other I’m hoping someone has already solved. Ok, so I’m using…
Month: February 2015
FTDI Bricked Chips Fix
I odn’t know if I’ve been in a cave for the last few months – I certainly have for the last couple of weeks (literally), but when I came to program my little ESP8266 boards using the only trusty FTDI chip I have here in Spain (and as you can…
So Many Things to Do Video
I’ve been meaning to update the blog – and I just keep getting sidetracked with the many interesting possibilities of Node-Red…. so – I put a short video together here. Should be something of interest in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoQ_Fs31xtM Pete Node-Red on The Raspberry Pi
Graphing Wonders
Tonight I’ve been building on my earlier work on graphing, if you read a few blogs back you’ll know I got some basic graphing running on the Raspberry Pi 2, taking MQTT data from a sensor and storing it in MYSQL. Well that was fine apart from the graphs having…
Pi 2 Pocket Control
Update July 2015: Hard to believe it is months since I wrote this – anyway a few of you have had trouble with this so I’m making some changes. Those of you who’ve been following my exploits for some time will know that initially I started using Arduino to control…
Pi Graphing Progress
Making great progress with the Raspberry Pi despite not knowing Linux from a hole in the ground a week ago. We’re at our place in Spain for a short break with limited facilities (I’ve ordered a USB scope for the next time we’re here). As of this morning, I’ve managed…
Node-Red Strangeness
THIS ONE HAS BEEN SOLVED – SEE “SOLUTION”. I freely admit to being utterly stumped. Having spent the day getting node-red on the Blackberry Pi2 I’ve made this simple page… an MQTT message coming in is passed out… and also goes to GPIO 0. This works – send a 1…
apt-get WHAT?
If like me you are a reluctant Linux user, dragged in merely because you want to make use of the new Raspberry Pi 2 in your projects (and I bought mine as a hub for my Arduino/ESP8266 projects) – you’ll be slowly coming to grips with meaningful terms like SUDO…
NodeMCU Broken?
For now I’m concentrating on achieving reliability with MQTT using the original library and C – and interfacing it to the likes of the Raspberry Pi 2, but it came to my attention for those of you using Lua right now that there seems to be a problem with the…
Domain Issues on Pi 2
So a little while ago, one of you helpful people in here gave me a tip when my Raspberry Pi 2 based CRON JOB started up and failed to send emails. I added MAILTO: pete@scargill.org to whatever I was working on and lo and behold the emails worked. But now…
Pi 2 Memory Boost
Or: How to get back that missing quarter gigabyte of RAM. I must admit, though I’m very pleased with my new Raspberry Pi as a potential controller for my various Arduino and ESP8266 boards, I was a bit bemused given the claim of 1GB of main memory to realise on…
Enter Bluefish for Pi and PC
If you’ve read my blog you will know I have a near pathological aversion to the command line – reminds me too much of DOS and the 90s. So when I got my new spiffy Raspberry Pi 2 (which I am really impressed with and which will almost definitely form…
Just a quick note to those of you who come in here, are constructive and offer help and hopefully sometimes take away information… thanks for taking the time – and thanks for putting up with the name change of the blog – which got me away from reliance on WordPress.com. …
Cloud Security
Cloud security is as likely not something the average Internet of Things enthusiast thinks about on a daily basis but here we all are, embarking on a future where our houses and perhaps offices will be connected to the Internet to a degree never seen before. Many are already connected…
Flashing Lights on Raspberry Pi 2
So – having managed to get WordPress up and running on the P2 I thought it might be nice to step back toward the original plan and get some home control running. I like PHP so I thought that it might be nice to have a PHP page with some…
Raspberry Pi 2 VNC Error Message Solved
Today is getting better by the minute. I’ve been plagued with my new Raspberry Pi 2with a harmless but annoying message when remotely accessing it from my PC with UltraVNC. A box would pop up with GDIBUS Error.org freedesktop.PolicyKit1 Error.Failed:; An Authentication agent already exists for the given subject. …
Pi Stage 2
The NEXT hurdle in getting the Pi to be the central plank of a home control system – was to get emails working. I installed WordPress and of course the first thing I realised was that it would not send emails – a quick inspection – no SMTP folder… needs…
Raspberry Pi Permissions
As you’ll note elsewhere in the blog, I’ve been playing with WordPress (PHP/MYSQL etc) on the new Pi 2 – an hitting problems with permissions. Typical of a Windows users (I’m quite happy in CPANEL) the Linux commands mean very little to me and there’s enough to learn without taking…
More Pi Mysteries
Well, I thought I had the CRON thing cracked. I made my cron file….. with this inside it.. * * * * * /usr/bin/wget And sure enough – CRON runs the PHP page which publishes a couple of topics every minute as it should do, to my MOSQUITTO broker…
Raspberry Pi 2 startup
I’m using the Raspberry Pi 2 (note the 2 – i.e. the new one) – which up to now I’m quite happy with – still got a little way to go but I have this annoying message in the Raspbian desktop when it comes up (on powerup). Can anyone tell…