Bakeey E70 Waterproof ECG, Blood Oxygen and BP Smartwatch

Bakeey E70

I’ve updated this blog entry about the Bakeey E70 IP68 Waterproof Wristband ECG+PPG Heart Rate Blood Oxygen Monitor Smart Watch (which looks lovely) as I think it deserves a second glance because it has now been on my wrist for 7 solid days and the battery is still at 68%.

When I opened the package I was pleasantly surprised to see a better than average package (for the price range) and high quality watch finish – the steel strap looks a cut above some other inexpensive smart watches – no rough edges – you can also choose to buy this watch with steel or leather strap (replaceable). Everything works – but as always the next thing to check was the free “Da Fit” APP to see how well that worked. I’ve used that APP before without any problems and this was no exception. Oh, the watch came complete with screwdriver – a nice touch though I didn’t need it.

Bakeey E70

Other points to note – (ignoring the triangular QC PASS “qualified certificate”) – included is a sheet (in English and Chinese) including a description of the ECG test conditions and test method (you don’t get that in most of the watches and bands I’ve checked in the last couple of years) – suggesting resting for 5 minutes before taking the first test and not eating, drinking or smoking for 2 hours before testing. There is more detail but I have to leave you something to discover if you go for this model.

The link at the top of this page has Banggood’s price – £28 – $36 or equivalent where you are – but way more importantly a complete list of features, photos etc so I won’t replicate them all here. Of course you’ve seen this stuff before – but up to now, yes I do recommend this one especially now I know I can change the faces.

Bakeey E70 Smartwatch

The manual has information in several languages including English – 5 pages each and it tells you that the watch steel ring is the front ECG electrode whereas the back has the other electrode as well as charging contact points (magnetic USB lead supplied).

On initial opening, I found I had to charge the watch for a couple of hours. That’s pretty normal as it came all the way from China to the UK. After 24 hours testing, the battery had only dropped to 93%, suggesting 14 days of use on a charge but as you can see from above, I expect it will manage more than that.

In common with other watches of this type, the E70 has a good range of features and the included faces are not bad at all. The BIG DEAL with this watch is that like Samsung and XIAOMI (and unlike MANY others) – you can download new watchfaces. Wheeee.

Here are some specs:

Bakeey E70
BT 4.0
Full touch
IP68 waterproof
ECG+PPG+blood oxygen
Sleep monitoring
Multi-sports inc pedometer
Call and message reminder
Notifications for Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, WhatsApp and more
Stopwatch, alarm, calendar, sedentary reminder, camera remote
G-sensor, heart rate sensor
1.2″ TFT – 240x240px
200ma battery, 30 days standby, 10 days use, 4 hours magnetic charge

Bakeey E70 watch

17 thoughts on “Bakeey E70 Waterproof ECG, Blood Oxygen and BP Smartwatch

  1. Ok, so the only question I have is what platform (application) does this watch use for the smart phone connection? I’ve been doing a lot of research over the last 2 weeks and have concluded that all fundo and fundo pro are reported to be “garbage” at this time as they do not support a “proper” ecg tracing. This may change later but as of right now, at least 20 sights discourage the watches with this app.

    1. The application is stated on Banggood’s site I believe and certainly in my blog here (Da Fit”) so you’ve lost me on the relevance of Fundo and Fundo Pro I’m afraid. The people who developed Da Fit seem to be (according to the Android Playstore) Creppa Sports. I don’t see a “Fundo” mention in there at all unless I’m missing something.

  2. Hi there thanks for all the info I have gone ahead and ordered one that is not Bakeey but appears identical. Can you please tell me if it is single touch screen or full touch screen? Cheers Genevieve

  3. Peter, have you looked at any of the ranges of BP machines availble, it may be a nice little excercise.

    1. Blood pressure machines – not looked to deeply into it but I am onto my second or 3rd machine – used it for years… They range (like watches) from dirt cheap to silly prices. Any particular make in mind?

      1. Not really, just aware of the conversation and getting to ‘that’ age would like to maybe begin to look at how my body is misbehaving lol

  4. Do you really trust the blood pressure reading as there is no inflated cuff or similar to take the BP reading???? Maybe the pulse rate could be accurate as this may not be as difficult to determine. Comments most welcome

    1. Hi Ray, thanks for commenting. If you check the fine print, most smartwatch makers (including Bakeey) who offer blood pressure readings say that this feature should not be used for medical purposes, some even say you should calibrate against a proper cuff. Not too long ago it was considered sci-fi to take even simple pulse readings by looking for colour changes yet here we are. Anyone with health issues should IMHO own (or have access to) an inflateable cuff anyway (I do, as, typical for my age, I take pills and adjust my diet/intake to keep my blood pressure within reason) – however, if the readings on the watch DO prove reliable then that means having to use a cuff less often. There is additional information in the 5-page manual.

  5. Well, I got an RF Bridge from them without issue and I plan to get another and I have to say I get stuff from Banggood and AliExpress constantly without problems – AliExpress delivery times are very variable but stuff always turns up. For Banggood – times vary depending if shipped from Europe, China or Hong Kong.


  6. Link works, but unfortunately out of stock, bugger, first time I have been tempted by one of these watches.
    Mind you I think Banggood’s service is sliding down hill. I ordered a Sonoff RF bridge on 1st January and no sign of it yet. Chinese New Year and Coronavirus should not have affected that order since it was alledgedly posted 5th January but without shipping details. Has anyone else experienced bad service from CN suppliers this year.

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