Throughout the development of the Home Control 2018 project I’ve constantly had the software tied a via a serial umbilical to my PC to monitor passing messages, make sure all is well etc. and to periodically check on RAM space to make sure nothing I’m doing is running away with…
Category: Espressif
A Flashing ESP Chips Surprise
Well, you could have blown me away. Tonight was making a little relay controller for the hot tub using a WEMOS board and relay board. I carefully soldered them together and plugged them into a USB connection on my PC, as I’ve done thousands of times. Also as I’ve done…
Flashing HC 2019 Code
This entry is now incorporated into the main Home Control blog entry. This is for the people who’ve been trying out my software (or thinking of trying it out) on the ridiculously cheap (£1.40) but very reliable, powerful and comprehensive ESP12 WIFI processor board and those who’ve gone ahead and…
Espressif New Board
Well we know that the ESP8266 replacement will have Bluetooth low energy, a different architecture and more RAM – something to look forward to – so now here’s a sneak preview – this is not the latest PCB but it’s better than nothing I’m sure you’ll agree. So we’re looking…
ESP32 Coming Soon
So many of us have been happily using in the inexpensive ESP8266 chips for some time now for IOT applications, home control etc and long may that continue. They do have SOME issues – for example they are short of RAM memory to the point that all except critical subroutines…
Drilling into Blynk
Yesterday I referred to using DELAY in Node-Red to slow down one of the Blynk controls. To backtrack a little… We’re talking here about controlling devices such as ESP8266 boards using MQTTT – which I maintain is the best way to have a boatload of devices around the place and…
The MIT Boston Trip with Espressif Systems
Some time ago, the CEO of Espressif, makers of the lowest cost WIFI-enabled processor on the planet (a chip I’ve blogged about frequently in here) invited me to come with them to MIT at Boston to the FAB11 conference. As it turns out this was a rather small affair featuring…
ESP8266 Arduino NetIO Server Demo
This week as regular readers know I was far away from our little home in Spain – in fact I was at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, helping promote ESP8266 technology (why? because I could). Along the way I met up with Ivan Grokhotkov who as some of…
A new Day – A new Board
While waiting we’ve done ourselves a new board – it’s not too obvious but under that power supply / dc/dc convertor area – are three MOSFETS for PWM use and we’ve added a connector so you could stick some RGB serial LED strip straight onto a connector. GPIO16 is on…
ESP8266 SDK 1.11
Just a short one for those of you who’ve not tried the new Espressif SDK update yet (SDK 1.11). I noted a pair of commands “system_param_load” and “system_param_save_with_protect” which appear to replace the need for the load and save functions that TuanPM uses in his code in /mqtt/config.c – so…
ESP8266 Test Board
I mentioned that Espressif were kind enough to send me a test board to play with – and very nice too. Not had time yet as I’m struggling with learning how to make an installer for my Node-Red package – with some great help from the guys involved with this….…