If you’ve been keeping up with the blog you’ll know that I’ve added to the script, code to allow NodeJS access to I2c. And you may also know that for some time my ESP8266 code has supported the little (cheap) purple 16-channel 12-bit PWM/Servo boards called PCA-9685.
Category: PWM
16 Channels of PWM for ESP8266
This morning a little board turned up for me – the advert said “Smart Electronics” – but the board says Adafruit 16-channel 12-bit PWM board. At £1.38 each these represent EXCELLENT value – especially as the Adafruit originals are much more expensive. Nicely made with gold connections and all the…
ESP8266 Tidy PWM
If you check out an earlier post I managed to get PWM working nicely on the ESP-12 on the otherwise unused GPIO15. Well, it was a little messy – so I’ve tidied it up with the use of a struct. Here it is.. You’ll need to make minor mode to…