Updated Feb 29, 2020: And why would anyone write about a power supply? Not the most interesting subject, but like many boring things such as backups, essential. I created a short video several weeks ago about the Owon P4603 – a single channel job of particular interest as it has a “proper” toroid instead of relying only on a tiny switched-mode supply. Now I’ve had a stab at making a video for the somewhat larger and more powerful ODP3033.

Well, THIS ONE is a true MONSTER. I could not believe the size of the box it came in – and the weight? No chance of this getting damaged in the lab. It is ROCK SOLID. The ODP3033 is an “accurate, professional power supply capable of delivering 195w”. Resolution is claimed to be 1 mv and 1 ma with noise as low as 2 mVpp.
I tested the supply (one output) with my handy 150W dummy load and sure enouggh, 3A no problem – my test was at 12v and there was no shift in the output voltage as I turned the dummy load on and off. There was a minor discrpancy in how much current each one said was being used but given that the dummy load was dirt cheap from AliExpress, I know which reading I trust. The Power supply was set to 12v output at maximum 3A and my handy meter says 111.99v..

Both RS232 and USB connectors are available on the back as well as RJ45 LAN. The supply is able to program arbitrary waveforms with up to 100 points which means it can be use as a basic waveform generator. Presets can be stored in up to 10 groups for quick switching between different voltage and current levels.
I’m a little confused as to the layout choice, the (480×320) display shows channels 1, 2 and 3 in left to right order whereas in reality they are CH3, CH1, CH2 in that order with CH3 being more limited than the other two. Overall however it makes a great addition to my somewhat crowded desktop.
Not cheap, this is a professional supply and though not obvious in the photo, size is 250mmx158mmx358mm (ie deep) hence my use of the term MONSTER. The supply weighs 9.8kg and comes complete with USB lead, power cord (mine came with an EU cord, easily replaced), spare fuse and manual.
As you can see, two of the outputs can be grounded to +V, -V or not at all. All channels offer up to 3A output, channels 1 and 2 can run from 0 to 30v, channel 3 from 0 to 6v. Maximum overall power is 198w and outputs can be isolated or tracked.
The power supply has an automatic cooling system – so no noise on low load and not a lot when ON load – that’s handy… in my video I’ve shown excerpts from Raspberry Pi tests which required a stable supply. I’m pleased with this.
Hi Peter – I’m looking to buy a multi channel power supply, and saw your YouTube vid on the OWON 3033. After a year of use, would you recommend buying? What things about it have you found the most annoying/satisfying? Thanks!
Hi Jake
Well, it SHOULD have been a year of use but the 3033 is in the UK, we came here to Spain mid-year… the plan was to return complete with car and pick up kit like that and bring it back here but Covid kyboshed all that – so some of my longer-term testing is out of the window until I can once again freely travel back and forth. From here I can see my 3033 power supply on my bench back in the UK (on one of my webcams) – but can’t do anything with it. How sad is that. Oh, I wish I’d not done that – I can also see my lovely RUIDENG power supply and my Canon printer which by now is probably throwing a fit due to lack of use (inks tend to go off after several months). Depressing…