For the LIFE of me I do not know why this statement is failing. There are two versions of settings for port outputs here – the one in red and the one in blue. If I choose the blue version it will only work in one direction, not the other.…
MongoDB on the Pi
I’m busy compiling MongoDB for the Pi and it’s going to take hours apparently – so I figured I’d give you some updates while I’m waiting. I’ve made some progress with my little ESP8266 board (ESP-12) in terms of deciding how to handle MQTT. Initially I had a bunch of…
Many thanks to readers in here for the comments – I can’t believe how keen people are to help. Ok, so you may recall that some time ago I bought an ESP-201 board and the baseboard to with it – the whole lot was about a tenner on Ebay, a…
Webmin for Pi
A friend of mine put me onto this link tonight – a nice web admin panel for the Raspberry Pi… and no I didn’t get around to soldering the ESP-12 module – that’s a writeup for the weekend – and yes, my ESP201 module definitely does NOT have the internal…
Monday Morning at the Lab
Just in case anyone in the UK or EU is even remotely interested, I just put up my little pocket scope on Ebay. Meanwhile talking of Ebay, the Raspberry Pi is currently working a treat on THIS little number…. a cheap WIFI dongle. – it’s been running overnight…
Raspberry Pi WIFI
Today is going well up to now – I purchased a WIFI dongle for around £4 from EBAY, supposedly specifically for Pi (yeah right) market simply “802.11n”. Plugged it in, rebooted the Pi 2, nothing. I scoured the web and discovered you can look to see what’s happening with: dmesg…
ESP8266 MQTT and the UART
I wonder… those of you who have used the excellent MQTT software (stand-alone – not the LUA version)… I need to do two things – one of them is giving me problems but is no doubt trivial – the other I’m hoping someone has already solved. Ok, so I’m using…
FTDI Bricked Chips Fix
I odn’t know if I’ve been in a cave for the last few months – I certainly have for the last couple of weeks (literally), but when I came to program my little ESP8266 boards using the only trusty FTDI chip I have here in Spain (and as you can…
So Many Things to Do Video
I’ve been meaning to update the blog – and I just keep getting sidetracked with the many interesting possibilities of Node-Red…. so – I put a short video together here. Should be something of interest in it. Pete Node-Red on The Raspberry Pi
Graphing Wonders
Tonight I’ve been building on my earlier work on graphing, if you read a few blogs back you’ll know I got some basic graphing running on the Raspberry Pi 2, taking MQTT data from a sensor and storing it in MYSQL. Well that was fine apart from the graphs having…
Pi 2 Pocket Control
Update July 2015: Hard to believe it is months since I wrote this – anyway a few of you have had trouble with this so I’m making some changes. Those of you who’ve been following my exploits for some time will know that initially I started using Arduino to control…
Pi Graphing Progress
Making great progress with the Raspberry Pi despite not knowing Linux from a hole in the ground a week ago. We’re at our place in Spain for a short break with limited facilities (I’ve ordered a USB scope for the next time we’re here). As of this morning, I’ve managed…
Node-Red Strangeness
THIS ONE HAS BEEN SOLVED – SEE “SOLUTION”. I freely admit to being utterly stumped. Having spent the day getting node-red on the Blackberry Pi2 I’ve made this simple page… an MQTT message coming in is passed out… and also goes to GPIO 0. This works – send a 1…
apt-get WHAT?
If like me you are a reluctant Linux user, dragged in merely because you want to make use of the new Raspberry Pi 2 in your projects (and I bought mine as a hub for my Arduino/ESP8266 projects) – you’ll be slowly coming to grips with meaningful terms like SUDO…
NodeMCU Broken?
For now I’m concentrating on achieving reliability with MQTT using the original library and C – and interfacing it to the likes of the Raspberry Pi 2, but it came to my attention for those of you using Lua right now that there seems to be a problem with the…
Domain Issues on Pi 2
So a little while ago, one of you helpful people in here gave me a tip when my Raspberry Pi 2 based CRON JOB started up and failed to send emails. I added MAILTO: to whatever I was working on and lo and behold the emails worked. But now…
Pi 2 Memory Boost
Or: How to get back that missing quarter gigabyte of RAM. I must admit, though I’m very pleased with my new Raspberry Pi as a potential controller for my various Arduino and ESP8266 boards, I was a bit bemused given the claim of 1GB of main memory to realise on…
Enter Bluefish for Pi and PC
If you’ve read my blog you will know I have a near pathological aversion to the command line – reminds me too much of DOS and the 90s. So when I got my new spiffy Raspberry Pi 2 (which I am really impressed with and which will almost definitely form…
Just a quick note to those of you who come in here, are constructive and offer help and hopefully sometimes take away information… thanks for taking the time – and thanks for putting up with the name change of the blog – which got me away from reliance on …
Cloud Security
Cloud security is as likely not something the average Internet of Things enthusiast thinks about on a daily basis but here we all are, embarking on a future where our houses and perhaps offices will be connected to the Internet to a degree never seen before. Many are already connected…