THIS ONE HAS BEEN SOLVED – SEE “SOLUTION”. I freely admit to being utterly stumped. Having spent the day getting node-red on the Blackberry Pi2 I’ve made this simple page… an MQTT message coming in is passed out… and also goes to GPIO 0. This works – send a 1…
apt-get WHAT?
If like me you are a reluctant Linux user, dragged in merely because you want to make use of the new Raspberry Pi 2 in your projects (and I bought mine as a hub for my Arduino/ESP8266 projects) – you’ll be slowly coming to grips with meaningful terms like SUDO…
NodeMCU Broken?
For now I’m concentrating on achieving reliability with MQTT using the original library and C – and interfacing it to the likes of the Raspberry Pi 2, but it came to my attention for those of you using Lua right now that there seems to be a problem with the…
Domain Issues on Pi 2
So a little while ago, one of you helpful people in here gave me a tip when my Raspberry Pi 2 based CRON JOB started up and failed to send emails. I added MAILTO: to whatever I was working on and lo and behold the emails worked. But now…
Pi 2 Memory Boost
Or: How to get back that missing quarter gigabyte of RAM. I must admit, though I’m very pleased with my new Raspberry Pi as a potential controller for my various Arduino and ESP8266 boards, I was a bit bemused given the claim of 1GB of main memory to realise on…
Enter Bluefish for Pi and PC
If you’ve read my blog you will know I have a near pathological aversion to the command line – reminds me too much of DOS and the 90s. So when I got my new spiffy Raspberry Pi 2 (which I am really impressed with and which will almost definitely form…
Just a quick note to those of you who come in here, are constructive and offer help and hopefully sometimes take away information… thanks for taking the time – and thanks for putting up with the name change of the blog – which got me away from reliance on …
Cloud Security
Cloud security is as likely not something the average Internet of Things enthusiast thinks about on a daily basis but here we all are, embarking on a future where our houses and perhaps offices will be connected to the Internet to a degree never seen before. Many are already connected…
Flashing Lights on Raspberry Pi 2
So – having managed to get WordPress up and running on the P2 I thought it might be nice to step back toward the original plan and get some home control running. I like PHP so I thought that it might be nice to have a PHP page with some…
Raspberry Pi 2 VNC Error Message Solved
Today is getting better by the minute. I’ve been plagued with my new Raspberry Pi 2with a harmless but annoying message when remotely accessing it from my PC with UltraVNC. A box would pop up with GDIBUS freedesktop.PolicyKit1 Error.Failed:; An Authentication agent already exists for the given subject. …
Pi Stage 2
The NEXT hurdle in getting the Pi to be the central plank of a home control system – was to get emails working. I installed WordPress and of course the first thing I realised was that it would not send emails – a quick inspection – no SMTP folder… needs…
Raspberry Pi Permissions
As you’ll note elsewhere in the blog, I’ve been playing with WordPress (PHP/MYSQL etc) on the new Pi 2 – an hitting problems with permissions. Typical of a Windows users (I’m quite happy in CPANEL) the Linux commands mean very little to me and there’s enough to learn without taking…
More Pi Mysteries
Well, I thought I had the CRON thing cracked. I made my cron file….. with this inside it.. * * * * * /usr/bin/wget And sure enough – CRON runs the PHP page which publishes a couple of topics every minute as it should do, to my MOSQUITTO broker…
Raspberry Pi 2 startup
I’m using the Raspberry Pi 2 (note the 2 – i.e. the new one) – which up to now I’m quite happy with – still got a little way to go but I have this annoying message in the Raspbian desktop when it comes up (on powerup). Can anyone tell…
Bringing the Pi into the PC world
So you have your sparkly new Raspberry Pi and the first thing you need to do is remotely access it from the PC… and so you install TIGHTVNC… and put that on the PC and they talk to each other and…. no clipboard… This link got me out of a…
Boy am I in it over my head (for now). my new Raspberry Pi turned up – very nice – formatted a 32Gig microSD, loaded Raspbian and after a couple of false starts I soon had a working (graphical worktop) operating system. I added FTP, VNC (so I don’t have…
DS18b20 and MQTT Graphs
As a background job, some of you will know I’ve been looking at averaging temperature readings as there can be a little variation when reading the DS18b20 for a variety of reasons, though nothing like the horrors I saw when using ESP201. On the ESP-10 with a 12” lead I’m…
ESP201 Performance
Maybe it’s just me.. I’ve been messing with the DS18B20 and the ESP-01 and on advice from a respondent in here wrote a quick averaging function and have been monitoring that all morning – lovely. No connection issues, nothing. So this afternoon I took my little ESP-01 development board (which…
Temperature variations
How useful is this MQTT-SPY turning out to be – I had no idea I had such temperature variations from my DS18B20 – ok it looks worse than it is due to the limited range of the graph but I really do need to do some averaging!! This is just…
Onion Omega
You (probably) saw it here first… I thought I’d seen it all in the ESP8266 but this is looking impressive already. Yes, that IS a complete WIFI controller with Linux and plenty of RAM in a matchbox. Early days, I should have one to test in a matter of weeks…