Just to save anyone getting caught out with out of date information, if you want to install phpsysinfo on your Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 running Jessie… the picture below is self-explanatory – simple to install and some worthwhile info. RPI-Monitor is another useful monitoring tool.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade (if not done recently)
sudo apt-get install -y apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 (if not already done)
sudo apt-get install -y phpsysinfo
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpsysinfo /var/www/html
Then enter into your browser:
and you get something like this rather nice display
Useful tutorial!
You can use easily DHT11 or DHT22 sensor with only two (2) wires. Here is a useful link:
Here is one tech video with DS18S20 and DHT11 sensors designing an industrial temperature monitoring system, Raspberry Pi based:
interesting for using wired sensors on long distance, but “dht11” and “industrial” cannot be together in the same phrase 😀
I followed these instructions on an (almost) clean Raspberry Pi. All I get from the web server is the message ‘Loading … please wait!’
Any idea what is wrong?
No. I installed, it worked – it wasn’t that great but I figured may as well have it as not – anyone else have issues with that?
Define the motherboard monitoring program in the file phpsysinfo.ini:
i am starting my Rpi journey
i am really happy to see your blogs
it is really great to have you
keep posting
Handy tool – thanks for pointing it out.
Apache is a bit of a memory and cpu hog on the Pi. I’m sure this is somewhat mitigated with the extra power and memory of the Pi 2 and Pi 3, however lighttpd and nginx both seem to use fewer resources and have most of the features you’d need from a pi webserver (including PHP which is required for the phpsysinfo page).
Also, I’ve been waiting for some time to give node-red-contrib-os a go. You can get system info data into node-red for display on clients (I’m using blynk currently, but heading towards imperihome based on your recent blogs) as well as set up custom alerts should be you running out of resources. I’m currently using some custom functions for this, but the node-red blocks look like they’d be easier to use, and I like easy.