As you’ll note elsewhere in the blog, I’ve been playing with WordPress (PHP/MYSQL etc) on the new Pi 2 – an hitting problems with permissions. Typical of a Windows users (I’m quite happy in CPANEL) the Linux commands mean very little to me and there’s enough to learn without taking on extra, so when my FILEZILLA connection to the Pi 2 failed to let me change or understand permissions, reader Simon pointed me here.
Not only did this program inherit my FILEZILLA settings but the properties of a directory or file let me use familar tick-box settings to update the permissions – with the result, another issue with WordPress, uploading images to the Pi, is now history. Well worth investigating that simple and quick program.
Now I just need to find out why comments in the WordPress installation are disabled. Must be a reason…
Next job, find out what’s involved in making copies of the SD card on the PC so I can experiment with wild abandon safe in the knowledge that it is impossible to break anything.
Meanwhile my friend is knocking up a little test board for the ESPs using a Tiny85 to handle the reset line for programming just like an Arduino – more on that later.
I use Win32 DiskImager to write SD cards, and it can be used to read them back, so you can make copies – its a bit slow, so if someone else has a faster option, I’d like to know.
a BIT slow 🙂 Yes it certainly is. Took AGES to copy an image last night.