If you’d asked me some time ago which was the best smart watch bar none – I’d have said the Samsung Gear 2 – because (despite its benefits) I never really thought the Gear 3 was quite worth the extra. Then along came the new(ish) Samsung Galaxy watch – even MORE expensive – except when it ISN’T. Black Friday sales at Amazon – just cost me £199 for the 46mm silver model – see composite photo.
LOVELY and I have only several thousand faces yet to go for, not to mention countless apps. I got mine straight from Samsung during the sales – still on at the time of writing. Oh, did I mention messaging, 7-day battery, independent GPS, notifications, Super Amoled, rotating bezel, 4GB storage, WIFI, Bluetooth 4.2, NFC, Gorilla Glass, Samsung Exynos 9110…

Don’t get me wrong, this is a big watch and for casual wear out in the sun (if it ever comes back) or working, my favourite is still the little (cheap) Xiaomi Mi 4 – but for a night out or some REAL time-killing – this is the one 🙂
Another benefit of not having the very expensive watches is that the cheaper options are less attractive to thieves! I’ve done that market trip in Hong Kong too about 19 years ago. I bought a Rolex, it didn’t last long but was cheap enough for a bit of fun in the pub.
Yup that’s what I did – but I bought several…. as I knew I was unlikely to get a return trip to Hong Kong. I do Spanish markets all summer but they’re not the same – and UK markets are not in the same league. Thinking about it – Hong Kong was over 20 years ago now. Thankfully I’ve built up several contacts/friends around China in the last few years.
Funny how one can end up wasting an entire morning on this stuff. I was updating one of my YouTube videos – about the inexpensive (great for the price) Zeblaze Crystal 3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li-n01pajqA) and that took me to comparing it with the (obviously) vastly more expensive Samsung discussed here.
Interestingly just as I was replying to theBreadboard (another Peter and a pal of mine), a review for another watch popped up on YouTube and therein, an edvert for Breitling featuring one of our more obnoxious entrepreneurs… that started me off on a hunt for a Breitling watchface for my Samsung. That sent me off on another tangent looking for TAG watchfaces, then Patek Philippe then Audemars Piquet. What (Sunday) fun. SO glad I didn’t blow the bank on the real watches and this truly speaks volumes for the Samsung Galaxy watch in that you can emulate most expensive watches out there well enough. The best watches in the world still EVENTUALLY get marked – and no matter HOW good, the novelty will eventually wear off – so for me, a watch that emulates the lot is truly the way forward. Now, if Samsung would only some up with a thinner case and a WAY better battery without increasing the price…
All of this started for me, many years ago when my wife and I visited Hong Kong – while I was off down the market in Nathan Road looking for cheap “copy watches” – she bought herself a real TAG – nice watch, no doubt about it but expensive – and what does she wear today? A Huawei Honor Band 5 which has LOVELY watchfaces. At the time, the “copy watches” were great but didn’t last (corrosion) – how things have changed.
I thought the watch was awesome when I purchased it last year but now I see actual black coating on the surrounding screen case is coming off I’m not really satisfied with this and it looks crap..
I hope your case is isolated – I’ve now had all 3 of these, the first two never got a mark on them – it would be pretty naff if this marked up – you may have just convinced me to buy a cover.
Erm, thinking about it, mine is stainless, would not have been my first choice but maybe it is for the better. Thanks for the feedback anyway. My ONLY gripe so far is the time taken to charge.
I’ve had this watch since April and it is brilliant. The only thing I will say is that battery life is not likely to get anywhere near seven days. I get just shy of two, with always-on display. Without, I got almost three. Your mileage may vary of course, but even the advertised four days will be a big accomplishment. Oh, and the charger is very slow.
I agree about the charger – got any alternative chargers?? – I’m sure my S2 charger was faster but then the battery was smaller. I get more than 2 days by some way – not yet flattened it. Must be down to how bright you make it etc.
While I’m here, the charger takes a couple of hours to charge the watch. Anyone know of a faster alternative charger?
I made the same move from an S2 to the Galaxy Watch and it is a huge improvement!.
I recently added a nice metal strap to it: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B075V641G7
Hi Tony – thanks for that – I was thinking of a leather strap, I’m really not keen on this plastic material… but as you’ve sent a link I’ll check out that.. Ta.What an adventuer, I’ve spend several pounds on new watchfaces already not to mention re-downloading the better ones from my S2… have you gotten the speech working yet? I just demo’d it to the wife.. Q: HI BIXBY – WHAT TIME IS IT? A: THERE IS A HIGH OF 6 DEGREES CENTIGRADE… oh, well.
Ok, got it working – do you know how to turn up the volume?
Yes it’s in settings, sound and vibration /then sound, use the bezal to turn up
Thanks for that Anthony – FOLKS – useful info here, ringtones and various other sound settings all in ine place and rotating the bezel turns them up and down just as Anthony suggested. Right, now I can hear Boxby talking (we used to have a name for people who talk to their watches – Joe 90 or something – and yet here it is – for real).
never used Bixby on my watch or my Galaxy Note…. am I missing out? (I use OK, Google on my phone)
Well, I didn’t know it existed until yesterday and it was all too quiet until I spoke to Anthony this morning so my experience is minimal. “weather in Hexham” didn’t work – the usual USA first bull… they need to do something about that.. “weather in Hexham, UK” also failed but “weather in Hexham, England” got it. I’m in England, it needs to start lookin there. Oh and in the house, with the phone no-where NEAR, it said it could not get a connection then I realised it only knew about my office, I quickly sorted that out and hey presto. I DO like the little onscreen keyboard for WIFI setup, works just fine. There’s a reason these are more expensive than health bands!
It is fair to say that OK Google is more sophisticated – but then the intended purpose is different.
I find it more responsive to “Hey Google” over “OK Google” but it may just be me.
I nearly binned that 1-word comment but it triggered me off and I ended up on the Galaxy Store I found this unrelated but beautiful watch face.. AMC181024(not to mention learning how to hook the watch to my WIFI and talk directly to it using “Bixby”). I know, sounds like an ad… it isn’t. I have no connection with Samsung whatsoever.
Doesn’t have apps for social media notifications. Gear 2 did. Wish I would of known before I purchased it.
Each to their own I guess, the last thing I’d want my watch to do is notify me of social media – I want to know about that only when I’m at a keyboard and able to respond…
Great review Pete, thanks for reiterating what I already believe. I am intrigued by this watch face. Can you let me know the name of it please?
I would but I spent hours last night reloading all my older purchases from the Gear S2 and S3 as well as new ones, without making notes of which is which.. here’s the latest I rediscovered… maybe £1 —- a lot of them were free…