It isn’t that often I look at Kickstarter but a few weeks ago I happened to be checking in and this travel mug came to my attention. Not that I’ll be travelling anywhere significant in the next several weeks but I am hoping for an overseas trip in the summer. So, I wrote off to Viva and the result – one Viva Recharge mug is on the kitchen right now on test with coffee in it.
Not exactly IOTbut as I’m stuck in the house drinking more coffee than ever, I thought the subject was worth covering. My wife has checked it out and it gets her seal of approval. The mug is really targetted at tea drinkers and has a filter in the bottom for said tea drinkers. I am told they also do a slightly different grade of filter for coffee – but as I am a culinary heathen I drink instant coffee most of the time.
My requirements then are that the unit keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold, that it fits in the drinks holder in our Honda, works reliably and looks pretty – I’m really easily pleased.

The unit I received did not include the coffee filter so we put the Maureen’s ground coffee in the bottom anyway and it works a treat – 6 hours later the coffee was still VERY warm if not steaming hot. The filter worked just fine.
The unit will fit likely into the majority of car mug holders and is perfectly usable for cold drinks in the summer – the iced coffee test will have to wait until we’re off to Spain somewhat later than originally planned.

It is recommended by the company that the outer stainless steel tumbler part of the Recharge be hand-washed, but the filter and the lid can be washed in a dishwasher. The whole thing looks well made.
The company’s Kickstarter product page was updated yesterday if you are interested in more details. I don’t think the product is on their UK site yet but I’m sure it won’t be long. Rather than rant on in here, check out the Kickstarter link above.
Looks like my new toy has just become a household item.