Weather 2 Board and ESP8266

tmpE044NOT the cheapest board on the planet, I was handed a couple of these little boards by a friend this weekend.. the weather-2 board.

The board uses 2 i2c chips – the BME280 which as you may know is a miraculous little chip offering temperature, humidity and pressure readings all in one chip. I already support that in my ESP8266 code. Nothing new there and the chip works as expected when plugged in using this module.

What this board brings to the party is a chip I was previously unaware of – the si1132 – which in one chip offers readings of visible light level, UV level and IR levels.

The original library for this used floats and I’ve reduced that down to integers – looking at the variations I doubt I’ve affected accuracy at all – and these now come in the form of I2c commands in my ESP8266 code..




Assuming the board is attached (or a board containing that chip that works at the same I2c address) – you can grab readings from this chip no problem.

I could envisage one of these outside – in a cover that protects it from the direct light and direct heat of the sun, offering all 6 readings – handy for lots of things.  Or maybe you just want an alarm when you’ve had too much sunbathing – I’ll leave it to others to figure out best uses.

Makes a useful addition to the home control project. Source of the ESP8266 code available as are ROMS.

One thought on “Weather 2 Board and ESP8266

  1. I’m taking a look at the weather board again.. I’m sure it all made sense at the time but looking at the readings now… the BME280 is giving out really good data but the SI1132 I’m not 100% sure about. Visible light levels appear to fall into a narrow range of values. More experimenting needed.

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