Back in 2019 I wrote about the wonderful Xiaomi Mi Band 4 and it is no secret, despite owning and reviewing many smart watches and bands in detail, that the Xiaomi Mi 4 and Samsung Galaxy Watches remained my favourites for a long time – one or the other being in use every single day. As the charge on the otherwise excellent Samsung tends not to last that long (3 days maybe), the Mi 4 used to get most of my attention.
That is until my arrived around September 2020 from Banggood. May I just say at this point, I’ve been looking at other so-called reviews of smartwatches – I can’t be the only one who has noticed that both the Mi Band4 and 5 (I’ll stick my neck out and say 6) have an almost infinite number of watch faces available and yet looking at some very polished reviews elsewhere I’m seeing this totally ignored. The Huawei Band 4 and Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 “competitors” both of which are more expensive have no such flexibility. I note in many of these reviews there is no ability to leave comments.
Ok, some help for those who have no idea what I’m talking about, the OLED-based Mi5 is the top end yet inexpensive smart band from Xiaomi – and the Mi 4 was until recently IMHO probably the best low-cost smart band on the market. Both have excellent charge life and a very wide range of faces available. If you refer back to my Mi Band 4 review link at the top you will see a SMALL selection out of the countless free watch faces I’ve used over time.

Xiaomi seem to have improved the Mi Home APP since the last time I took a look and they’ve definitely improved the band – while the overall band size is the same size as the Mi4 if a little thicker, the display area is definitely bigger and the charging arrangement has changed for the better – no longer do you have to yank the module out of the band for charging as the tiny magnetic charger just clips onto the back – much easier.

You CAN still remove the module if you want to change the default strap to any of a range of lovely, coloured (often inexpensive) straps – note that the Mi Band 5 is very slightly thicker than the Mi Band 4 so I would check advertised straps carefully before purchase. Mi Band 5 coloured straps ARE available and people have already dedicated entire videos to that subject alone. Check out the fastening mechanism above – you’ll see at the end that this strap is not ideal but it can easily be replaced.
At some point you may or may not wish to know about this: PAI is a (Personal Activity Intelligence) score “to help you contextualize how physical activities contribute to your fitness” on the Mi 5.
Instructions are multilingual and comprehensive. As a seasoned Mi Band 4 user, I didn’t need them. The box is lovely and the whole thing looks more expensive than the price suggests. If you don’t like “plastic” straps – others are available from Banggood and elsewhere – even Amazon has a few.
Setup was easy – the App told me I could only have ONE Mi 4 OR 5 attached at one time – and that was pretty much it. I watched as the firmware was automatically updated to the latest version and a minute later I was in business with my new Mi 5.
The Mi 4 claims battery charge of 20 days and I regularly get 3 weeks or more out of it (with brilliance turned up) whereas the Mi 5 claims 14 days – that IS an understatement – I get at LEAST 2 weeks out of mine.
As for handling bright daylight – judge for yourself… and yes, it has been in the hot tub with me, without problems – as has the Mi 4.
Below, a random sample of the countless available free watch faces including analog from the independent MiBand5 app on Google Play. For newcomers to the Mi – don’t confuse this with the Huawei or other bands with a choice of only 3 or 4 watch faces – the Mi4 and 5 have VAST selections of faces available and are water resistant (well and truly tested).
Due to Xiaomi being tight with storage you can only keep a few faces on the band at any time but downloading on your phone and syncing to the band takes seconds. Right… I’m going out tonight – time for a new watch face.

Update February 2021 – the band issue and solution
I wrote this blog on the Mi 5 back in September 2020 and the band has been in use ever since, on a daily basis. HOWEVER, ultimately I thought I’d LOST the band due to that really dumb strap design. The default strap is held together by pressure alone and can come loose over time. I’d noticed this but chose to ignore it. HOWEVER, it happened to be my birthday on March 4 and at the weekend we were out shopping at the Nevada Shopping Centre in Granada (Southern Spain) when I noted the Xiaomi Mi Store.
More accurately, I got REALLY EXCITED when I found the store and had to restrain myself from buying everything therein. As many of you know I’m a great Xiaomi fan, have had every band from Mi Band 3 onwards, the Pocophone F1 phone, I currently have the Pocophone X3 and have also briefly reviewed the Pocophone M3.
Anyway, inside the store (which has the look and feel, but not the prices, of an Apple store), along with countless other Xiaomi products was the Mi 5 band – so – my wife bought me a replacement. Just a few stores down the mall was a mobile phone spares dealer who seems to focus primarily on Xiaomi and Huawei straps, cases and related peripherals. I could not believe my luck.
For €10 they had a black metal strap with magnetic catch. There is no way that was going to “drop off” so I’m very pleased about this. Very comfortable and strong with it. I’m sure Banggood will have the straps but in this case I needed an instant solution.
I am still wearing my band 3. I had the same problem in the beginning: The standard strap constantly fell off. I was waking up in the morning and the watch was somewhere in bed. I even lost it in public once (without noticing), but got it back.
I then switched to a metal strap and that hasn’t opened once!
I got one of these:
The third option called “black” with the small metal elements.
You can see the mechanism in picture 7. You hook one side into the other and then close the “flap”. This has proven to hold very well
I can really recommend that design. Also for looks, but mainly for working perfect. You can of course adjust the size. The above ali-link is just a quick search which shows the mechanism, so that particular shop is not part of the recommendation 😉
HEY, Thanks Felix. The link from AliExpress- has Mi3, 4 and 5 straps – and mine (identical magnetic) in purple is €4.02 (Euros) and free postage to Spain – I should have known better than to buy tech retail…. but I got sucked in by the instant gratification and the knowledge that the MI store charged me the same for the replacement M5 as I paid online – so I went to store just down the mall thinking I was getting similar value for the strap – bloody con-men (my wife will never let me hear the last of this).
Right – I’m having one.
Yes, of course I’m aware that AliExpress “stores” come in no particular order so you really have to look hard to find the best bargains and avoid hidden traps…(not to mention a tendancy to ask stupid questions when you have a problem – like “can you sent a video?”) Thats why generally I stick with Banggood as they actually keep stock:-) However in this case you’ve talked me into getting my wallet out.
And – I ordered the silver strap…
Hope you’ll like it. Let me know in a couple of months 😉
Thats a good point of course, only time will tell how long the metal strap will last. Still, I’ll soon have two straps so if one gets scratched… not such a big deal.
I love mine and the strap has never been an issue…that said, my partner is always finding her’s on the floor lol.
I’ve enjoyed mine, the app has been a bit flakey lately but has worked flawlessly on iPhone since I bought it early last year.
The data is pretty good and seems to be accurate too.
One of the biggest improvements is in sleep tracking, its great for monitoring trends, as is HB.
Thanks for the feedback, Reeferjon. Yup, that standard strap ultimately cost me the band – I have no idea where it is. Never mind, I have a replacment band and the new metal strap with which I’m very happy. There are LOADS of bands out there now for the MI5 and I’ve yet to see a band at anywhere NEAR that price hold a candle to it.
mi band 5 is quite better than mi band 4
How well will this work with an iPhone? Will there be many watch faces available for ios app that works with this on iPhone?
iPhones I can’t comment on as I’ve not used Apple since iPAD 2. But I believe the apps are for both Android and Apple.
Can you still get the analogue clock? I’m tempted to upgrade but hate most the watch faces
For this morning’s helpful response: I just found two apps on the Play store both called MiBand5 (as against MiBand4). The first failed miserably, the second works a treat. How many analog faces would you like… I can’t add images in here.. at least not on my phone so I’ve updated the blog.