This morning, a parcel turned up for me from Banggood with a couple of Orange Pi boards inside it. Specifically the Orange Pi PC2 and the Orange Pi Plus 2E. Shame they’d not turned up earlier as Banggood had their sale on over the weekend – oh, well. Let’s get…
Category: Orange Pi
Location location location
Could be my lucky day today… not only does the Orange Pi PC work but I’ve been talking to a pal of mine Peter Oakes (check his videos) in Canada… I know zilch about Linux apart from what seems like several thousand commands I’ve learned recently (probably a dozen) be…
Orange Pi PC– Battle of the PIs
This is a complete and much shorter re-write of an earlier blog entry – a lot has happened in recent months and so what’s the point of keeping stuff online that is no longer useful, right? Now, why would we want to revisit the Orange Pi PC? Well, because having…
Orange Pi PC
This blog item last update May 2016 – and it is all thanks in large part to you, the readers. Thank you. Well, let’s see shall we… The Orange Pi PC (note, specifically the PC version, I’ll make no comment about others – this is the CHEAP one – cost me…