The Sonoff Mini-D (MINI-Dry) WiFi Smart Switch

Sonoff Mini Dry

Erm, what? This is a new Sonoff product in the MINI series – this time simply with DRY contacts instead of having one connection commoned to the incoming power. Back in the early days there was a 4-channel Sonoff controller (rather big) with isolated outputs but that has largely been forgotten (It’s still on the Sonoff website for sale) yet dry contacts still have their uses:

For example – controlling an older oil boiler – the original thermostat may just have a dry (isolated contact pair – ifrten a requirement of such boilers) – which knocks out most of today’s controllers – or you might want to control for example a lower or higher voltage output than the incoming supply.

Sonoff Mini Dry

Sonoff Mini DRY does all that and more – but take note of the very low current capability of this device: switching an output of 100-240v (why do Chinese manufacturers ignore that fact that there are countries – Britain in particular – which have up to 250v – that may change if the US president goes ahead with making it more difficult for US consumers to use Chinese products – who knows!) – anyway with that output voltage, current is limited to 0.1A MAX – very low for a product that isn’t actually THAT mini. It is bigger for example than the Sonoff ZBMini.

At lower voltages – 12/24v current goes up to 2A max – compared to other Sonoff products – why the contact ratings are so low. I asked and the response was “low-current motor applications” – but of course powering a contactor is another use.

Anyway, here it is, isolated NO/NC and common connectors as well as AC and DC inputs and a switch pair – see photos. The DRY is also MATTER-compatible.

Sonoff Mini Dry

6 thoughts on “The Sonoff Mini-D (MINI-Dry) WiFi Smart Switch

  1. Current is current surely that should still say 1amp @230vac. Doesn’t make sense unless there isn’t a truly isolated set of clean contacts. And potential for crossover at the higher voltage.

    The whole point of using one of these would be to avoid using a SPCO or DCPO which what we are all doing in practice with Sonoff. But at such low amperage we would only end up driving a coil so back to square one!

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