Apollo Air-1 CO2 and other Sensors for Home Assistant

Apollo Air-1

A box arrived August 2024 – for my (then) new Apollo Air-1 C02 sensor and other items. No information, thankfully the Apollo Automation website is full of it. The device, like others in the range, at the time of writing came in a low-volume 3D printed casing – always nice to see something new popping up and had early access – I’m quite sure if the pricing is sensible – this and other Apollo products will be successful. Apollo Automation are based in Kentucky – USA. I’m not the only one reviewing this ESP-home-based stuff – but read on… In late February 2025 I’ve added the new Temp-1 sensors and I’m having lots of fun with these….

So off I went to find out what to do next: “Plug into a 1A 5V USB supply” – done. Look for the hotspot using your phone… “Apollo Air-1 Hotspot” – UI address

I told the Air-1 about my normal WiFi access point and password. Once done, I then went to look for apollo-something in my list of items on the network – no joy. Time to read the instructions.

The web instructions said to make sure I have the ESPHOME integration added to Home Assistant – I do – so I went to that tab and hey presto..

Setting up Apollo Air-1 in HA ESPHOME Integration

Just like magic, the Apollo Air-1 appeared in the list. Next instruction “click adopt”. Next – “need to install the configuration on the device” – another single button press – can it really be this simple? Looks like I have a device called apollo-air-1-xxxxxx (real number concealed) on my (Docker-based) Home Assistant RPi5 installation.

Setting up Apollo Air-1 in HA ESPHOME Integration

Next: HA Developer TOOLS- 1 new device….

Next: Configure – goodness.. for a second there I panicked – but no need… sure enough – ESPHOME – EDIT that project to have a look and there’s the encryption key – a careful copy and paste and it’s all (apparently) done. I should have a new device and a ton of entities appear in Home Assistant. Honestly I’ve not missed out any steps here, it was all over in no time.

Setting up Apollo Air-1 in HA ESPHOME Integration

Now, in my SENSORS page in HA, I added a sensor tile… and started looking for entities that matched Apollo… I found the CO2 sensor… there are all sorts of other sensors and some light control – I’ll get dowwn to it – but the prime reason for wanting this device was a quality CO2 sensor (there’s an (optional) SCD40 module plugged inside the Apollo) – someone on the web suggested that CO2 levels are worth checking for anyone who tends to doze off at the keyboard – that’s me.

Some of the HA entities coming out of the Apollo Air-1

For reference, the plug-in module you see in the image below (top right of the image, metal module – white top – on a sub-pcb) is the CO2 sensor.

The CO2 module was packaged separately – however it is easy to fit – just drop it in place making sure it’s the right way around.

HA tile and Apollo Air-1 sensor

I dropped in the CO2 sensor – I’ll even show you my standard card_mod styling I add to my tiles (below) – completely un-essential – I just like pretty colours…. And what appeared? Now I just need to know the relevance of 912 parts per million…apparently 400-1000ppm is normal.

HA tile for Apollo Air-1 CO2 sensing

Entities – OOOh I love it – an RGB LIGHT entity… and so much more…. I can see my future now – high levels of CO2 in the room – a bright red light if CO2 levels above a certain level – otherwise a dim green light (just to prove the device is connected).. A simple HA automation should do that.

I couldn’t resist – I HAD to breath on the device…. seconds later…

Apollo Air-1 Co2 sensing
Apollo Air-1

Comment: The Apollo Air1 is a great gadget – however, the sooner the company move to mass produced cases the better as I found that cosmetically, the lack of a bolt in the 4th corner meant the box didn’t COMPLETELY close – also I initially had a minor issue with the USB connector – the hole wasn’t QUITE big enough to include the outer shell of my USB-C lead and when pushed in, the internal motherboard has a tendancy to move slightly as it is not firmly held in place by screws – not the best way to make a perfect power connection – I’ll investigate further. It would seem these are early days. Read on – the case has been improved.

I’m rather intrigued to see they’ve used the ESP32-C3, elsewhere I ended up binning mine in favour of the Wemos D1 ESP32 boards as I could not get them to load WLED or run ESP-HOME projects – mind you I was using binaries, not building projects from scratch.

There is so much to learn about this Apollo Air-1 device and I’m only touching the surface. In Home Assistant, I looked at all the sensor data available and made a simple test panel as you’ll see below:

Apollo Air 1 in Home Assistant

Looking at the sensors above you’ll see that quite a bit comes out of the standard setup – SOME sensors need the second sensor sub-board (MiCS-4514 Gas Sensor) which in my case IS fitted down the side: Ethanol, hydrogen and Nitrogen Dioxide seem to fall into that category.

I don’t currently get any values out of HYDROGEN though apparently the average level of hydrogen at ground level is 0.6ppm – I live 900m above sea level for what that’s worth. I asked the question and straight away the company came back with “Regarding the MiCS-4514 readings, yes, many gases will register as 0 unless they exceed a certain threshold. We’ve recently updated the code to improve accuracy at lower concentrations.”

I had a problem with rubber feet easily dropping off the case when mounted vertically and the quick response from the company: “The pads on the initial design were 3M, so we expected good quality, but we’ve since updated the AIR-1 case. The new design removes screws, mesh, and feet for an easy, no-tool snap-fit assembly.”

Can’t ask for more than that… see update at the end.

To get the list above I used the HA ENTITIES tile – in practice I guess you’d choose what was of interest and only show those – perhaps in SENSOR tiles – or show nothing and simply use the data to drive automations (I see an ALERT “if CO2 levels are too high” in my future).

I have 2 temperature sensors on my desk – less than 3m away from the Apollo sensor – one says humidity 64%, the other says 66% – the Apollo says 50% but then the first 2 sensors are right next to me and I’m breathing near them.

One last thing for now – in the webUI for the device (it’s IP address port 80) – a complete list of sensors and controls after giving the device 15 minutes to settle…. still no hydrogen or methane (I’ve asked Apollo to comment – see above response)…

Apollo Air-1

This little board was included in the package I received. I believe the idea is to “give people a choice instead of a D1 Mini or NodeMCU on Amazon”.

The little ESP32C3-based board is similar size to an ESP8266-based Wemos D1 and considerably narrower than an ESP32-based Wemos D1 as you’ll see in the photo below – BUT – three things – who buys ESP boards from Amazon? I certainly don’t know anyone who does (USA sitiation may be different for all I know) – AliExpress in Spain and in the UK are typically a fraction of Amazon prices, also – this board is based on the C3 version of ESP32 – I already know that WLED won’t cooperate with the C3 chips – and personally I’ve been unable to get ESPHOME to run on the C3 either.

I’m told this board makes a good base for ESP-Home projects but too late for me to test as I’ve now put Tasmota on it. I do like the WS2812 RGB LED they fitted – but then the ESP32C3 board I purchased a month ago had the same – and I simply stopped using them because of issues described above. Anyway – not documented yet but that RGB light is on GPIO3. Note that the DEV-1 board has FAR fewer pins than the Wemos D1 ESP32 board.

Elsewhere I’m covering the MTR1 and MSR-2 sensor units from the same company. This entry is going to grow as I find out more about the fascinating Apollo-1.

The company did say they had an updated case for the Apollo-1 (which sits in my office 24/7 working perfectly) – and this week the new case arrived – no more inserts, no more badly fitting bolts – the new case is snap-fit and much better-looking for it. Here it is sitting on my desk…

Apollo-1 new case

Everything fitted just fine – though the main board positioning could be better. I noted on the box, likely handy for anyone trying the Apollo-1 for the first time:

  1. Plug device into power
  2. Connect to Apollo hotspot
  3. Open browser and go to
  4. Select WiFi and password
  5. Check Home Assistant discovered devices.


And NOW, something about the latest Temp-1 and Temp-1B units – just received them – Here’s an FAQ from the company on the subject.

And in front of me – the Temp-1B on the left, Temp-1 on the right – the former needs a 16340 battery (not supplied) – the Temp1 does not. Both have USB-C connectors – and both also have 3.5mm stereo connectors for external sensors. The company provided a short sensor, long sensor and a food probe. Not gone deeply into it but the 2 sensors have stainless ends and look like typical 18B20 enclosed sensors as you might get from Sonoff for some of their temperature-measuring devices.

Apollo Temp-1B and Temp-1
16340 battery

So – in at the deep end – plug in one of the probes to the temp-1 and see what happens… the 16340 is rechargeable and I neither have one of those batteries nor a suitable charger right now so that’ll have to wait.

Also I have to question the use of that battery – Amazon Spain for example on the right – that and the charger – WHAT?? That’s a ridiculous price for a battery… someone at Amazon is having a laugh?

The Temp-1 on the other hand is just fine – I love it.

I simply plugged the sensor into the Temp-1 then plugged in USB-C power. After a few seconds a bright green light came on then went off. I checked my phone and sure enough, “Apollo TEMP1 hotspot” became available. I went off to in my phone browser and was given a choice of WiFi access points to connect to. I hooked into my nearest WiFi access point… same room as my Home Assistant setup.

Apollo Temp-1 and Temp-1B probes

I waited a couple of minutes and made sure my phone had reconnected to my normal WiFi – and went off to the PC to check that my router knew about the new board. sure enough – “apollo-temp-1-151d44”

Next stop (not looked for instructions yet) – off to Home Assistant to see if it has seen anything new…

Apollo Temp-1

Looks that way… I did nothing more than I’ve described above and Home Assistant immediately spotted the device and asked me if I wanted to add it. Any why not indeed… that started a whole new ball rolling.

Apollo Temp-1

I filled in the blank and told Home Assistant to put it in area office – just for the sake of completeness.

And then even more started happening completely automatically: An update to ESPHome Device Builder (don’t ask what that does).

At that point I let HA update the ESPHome Device Builder… took a few seconds..

Apollo Temp-1

And then… ready for this???

Apollo Temp-1

Home Assistant already knew about the Apollo-Air-1 but now a new device had automatically added itself – the Temp-1. I next went into my HA sensors page and attempted to add a sensor – I looked up Apollo – and an amazing 22 new entities appeared – all including apollo_temp_1 in the name – this is going to keep me going for ages… there is also (typical of Apollo kit) an RGB light entity – and it’s bright and full colour… I’ll soon find a use for that – meanwhile – board humidity – board temperature, ESP temperature, outside temperature… updates – and so on.

Apollo Temp-1

What fun…

Apollo Temp-1

And so to the TEMP-1B sensor. This one needs a rechargeable 16340 battery – the USB does NOT recharge it… to use this unit you’d need the battery and a suitable charger. I tried running the unit off USB alone – it works – BUT the LED doesn’t work reliably – I confirmed this with Apollo support… so be aware. Personally I think I’ll stick with the USB-powered TEMP-1 unit. The batteries for the TEMP-1B are not the cheapest in the world and AliExpress are currently offering nearly 2 month’s lead time.

I’ve yet to try out the cooking probe… so in total they have a short probe, longer probe and a long probe able to withstand oven heat – all connected by simple 3.5mm sereo jack connectors.

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