I WAS going to incorporate this into earlier Shelly and Sonoff posts but lots going on this weekend gone – so:
Let’s get Sonoff out of the way… you may be familiar with the Sonoff Smart Water Valve – and how quickly they updated this to work with Zigbee2MQTT including water volume monitoring – well get this: The latest update to Zigbee2MQTT includes improvements including: “support for auto-close when water shortage for Sonoff SWV” (Zigbee2MQTT release notes)… I have to tell you that I thought the SWV might be a gimmick for me – but it’s now in use every day – we now NEVER need to turn off the outside fawcet (no leaks AT ALL)- and simply use Home Assistant (on my Raspberry Pi 5) and the side-button on the SWV to control water. As a backup the end of the hose attached to the SWV has a lever which can lock OPEN or CLOSED – all standard stuff.
WELL, there IS a chance of water shortages here in Southern Spain this summer though we’ve been lucky up to now. So, I have a pool with a solar (home-made) heating system. It gets the water up to maybe 30c. But I wanted a little more, so when the sun is blasting on a really hot day, I simply unravel the hose so it is immersed in sunshine, set the LOCK OPEN on the hose, immerse the hose-end in the pool (locked open) and use a Home Assistant automation to turn on the SWV for a minute every 15 minutes (or until cancelled) several times before stopping.
That serves two purposes – tops up the pool to compensate for water losses in the heat, and delivers short bursts of piping hot water from the coiled, sun-drenched pipe. Last week the pool went up to 34c, lovely for a late-afternoon relaxing soak. Thanks Sonoff and Koenkk (Zigbee2MQTT).
And now – SHELLY (Plus series)… I’m using the Shelly 1 Plus and have just set up the Shelly PM Mini Gen 3. OK I’m as keen as anyone to get cheap AliExpress Zigbee and WiFi smartplugs and switch blocks – but let’s give Shelly a shout-out – on the surface, normal-ish devices – somewhat more expensive than the cheapo units – but WITH BENEFITS… so I’m using a Home Assistant integration which sees devices like Shelly which can, as a side-benefit, monitor BLE broadcasts (my Mi 7 smartband for example – presense detection so HA knows I’m in the office).
Nice feature for a smart power unit like the Shelly Plus 1 PM and others…. but here’s the thing – buried in the shelly APP menus – not only can you turn on loads of extra features like this – but it’s done by text-based SCRIPTS – they have a library of them and in the APP you can grab them and use – takes seconds.. wait for it… “Converts NTC thermal resistor output to temperature and execute actions”, “Shelly Plus 1PM – stop the output after consuming a certain amount of current”, – ready for this one? – I just spent ages making automations in HA and here it is available within a Shelly device in a readable script: “Turn on/off watering based on precipitation in the last 24 hours (based on Accuweather data)” – and many more such free value-additions.
You’re not going to get that on the cheap AliExpress controllers – the menus in the Shelly products are a mine of potentially useful stuff – I’m just scraping the surface right now. “Router Watchdog” – that’s something else I spent a while writing in HA… it’s all here in the Shelly library – stand-alone operation (and with full Home Assistant integration) – and if you’re not keen on devices that “phone home” – the Shelly devices can turn on or off cloud access for local control only if you want.
Youll see elsewhere that these Shelly devices can act as WiFi range extenders – don’t make the same mistake I did.. When nothing happened – I contacted Shelly and they invited me to read this… all makes sense now.
Shelly 1 Mini GEN3… I just spent ages going through AliExpress looking for a smart switch with isolated contacts – only to find a mass of incorrectly labelled products – and here it was all the time in front of me, my Shelly 1 Mini Gen3 – ideal for my UK heating boiler which has an old thermostat needing replacement. Such boilers often need a wall thermostat connected by a “dry” contact pair whereas most smart switches have one of the contacts connected to mains live. Looks like the Shelly is going to get the job.
This is OT, but why close comments on old blog posts? For example, you have more info on the sinilink usb controllers and similar sonoff devices than anywhere else, and people actively commenting on the posts!