Well, it’s looking like a good day for discovering more ESP-based boards. This time the ESP-13. APPARENTLY what sets this one apart is 16MBytes of FLASH… My question is – when will RAM be the bottleneck (personally I think it already is) – can’t add that as it is internal. Just think of the web pages and imagery you could store in that!!!
AliExpress are doing it as well. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/The-new-ESP-13-ESP8266-serial-WIFI-wireless-module-wireless-transceiver-Complete-circuit-impedance-matching-better/32319239692.html
Nice post, but how do you wiring to program this module?… The pins are defined in a diferent way…
That’s for someone else to document. Same pins, different layout.
Don’t you have any website where I can found it?
No. I don’t use the ESP-13.
Thank you, anyway!
If someone supplies more info on the ESP-13 I’ll be sure to put it in here.
See the pin-out picture:- http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/ESP-WROOM-02-WIFI-Module_60310854820.html
There’s some general info here:- https://esp8266hints.wordpress.com/2015/07/17/nuther-new-kid-hedzup/
(check the updates).
Bottom line… this one is quite difficult (but not impossible) to solder by hand.
Like the new slider too, Eldon! Can’t get the visitor map function working though (even just dropping the simplest version of their HTML-based code into a file locally on my laptop doesn’t do it for me, even with an updated key, so there’s obviously something amiss with my local network… all of the examples on the revolver.com demo page work fine).
I’ve fudged your code a tiny bit to add a local user_config.h file for all of the locally definable stuff in the build (AP SSID & Passwd, NTP server IP, VisitorMap key, etc). Let me know whether you prefer a GitHub pull request or a “patch” file, if you’re interested (although it really is very, very basic at the moment).
I don’t generally use the Arduino IDE for anything other than compiling and uploading to the ESP, but I have to admit that I was glad to find the and hot keys for dealing with all of those tabs. 🙂 I’d be a happier camper still if I could get any of the Makefile “solutions” on the web to actually work in my environment.
Hmmm, lets see if HTLM for the hot key info works…
John, and all,
Yes, I think a “pull request” would work best, besides I need to learn how to properly use that function on GitHub.
And Yes, I was planning to use a “user_config.h”, but the code was somewhat “haphazardly” created, and I wanted to get the code out for others to review and play with, before investing any more time in it.
Also, so far, I have taken the easy way-out and not used “proper” code tab/file names (ie. .c, .h, and .cpp), which is a big redo effort (after the fact), but using all “*.ino” tab-files makes for easy development as long as the tab-names are arranged in use “dependent” order. I would like to restructure the code as necessary (maybe someday, or with someone’s GitHub help).
Unfortunately, the CtlAltRight (and Left) does not work well on my Linuxmint Workstation, the key sequence is defined to switch Virtual Desktops (yeah, I know it could be changed, I just have not figured it out yet).
I have continued to work on the code and have a DEV Branch that I have not posted yet to GitHub, I will create another branch to merge your “pull request”.
The Visitor Map should work, assuming that you have Internet access from the Esp8266, NO actually NOT, the Visitor Map is created within your Browser, which needs access to the Internet. I hope you work it out.
I am looking forward to your contributions.
Note: I have put some of this info on: http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3847
and on my blog at: http://wa0uwh.blogspot.com/
Eldon – WA0UWH
I was looking at your GitHub Repository, it appears that you have “cloned” my repository instead of “forking” it. I am not a GitHub expert but I think everything works best if it had been “forked”, including future documentation and “pull requests”. See:
Or, maybe I do not understand GitHub.
Eldon – WA0UWH
Very neat! I can’t believe those dial graphics are coming from the ESP8266.
And a GitHub repository, too. You had a busy night last night!. Data point; it
compiles fine and fits into an ESP-03. It comes up (on and
serves data. It gets it’s knickers in a bit of a twist when it can’t find your
designated NTP server, but other than that, I have to say that it’s very impressive!
More later when I have a chance to sit down and play (I’m just on a quick tea
break at the moment).
Sorry John, and all
I had planned to provide the GitHub and other info much sooner, but the last few weeks have been crazy with; Family concerns, Storms, Trees down, Power Outages, and Wildfires.
Power is back on, my “server farm” should be up and running, I try to insure http://dc02.ebcon.com:8160 is always working.
And, now that a few things have settled down, I will soon see if I can build the GitHub repository, it is something I have wanted to do, and use, for a long time.
My Niece and family live in harms-way in central Washington State. I live in the West (wet) part of the State with only a few small wildfires. I you want to see the extent of the Washington fires, see: https://goo.gl/DwruIe
My Niece’s home is North and Center, between the Okanogan and NorthStar fires.
Thanks for your project interest.
Eldon – WA0UWH
I have put my “ERB Esp8266 Experimental Web Server” on GitHub, at: https://github.com/wa0uwh/ERB-EspWebServer
My Esp8266 server is “often/sometimes” online at: http://dc02.ebcon.com:8160
The SSID and Passwd are blank and need to be set in the Main.ino file
A shared Visitor Map IdKey is also set in Main.ino, if used as is, any access to your server will generate a “Shared Visitor Map”. In Ham Radio terms, this is called a “Reverse Beacon” to a shared service. Of course, you can request your own private IdKey.
I hope you find it useful as a working example. I have tried to include many pages and functions that I plan to use in my other Esp Projects.
NOTE: All web page data is purposefully dynamically created by the Esp8266, except the “Server Farm” image on the InfoPage, and the “Visitor Map” function on the HomePage.
More functions and/or pages will be added as time permits, and I will update the GitHub as necessary.
As maybe expected, the Esp is sometimes fickle, reboot may be needed occasionally.
Feedback is always welcome.
Eldon – WA0UWH
Hey Eldon – this sounds quite exciting but your server is offline – want to let me know when it’s up and running so I can take a look???
There isn’t any available io adapter plate for esp-13 yet. The spacing is very tiny. It requires a robot machine to solder the wiring. So as of right now, it is useless to me.
For an Esp13 Adaptor, see: http://wa0uwh.blogspot.com/2015/08/esp8266-esp-13-to-dip-adaptor.html
or see my Esp Adventures on my blog at: http://wa0uwh.blogspot.com
Eldon – WA0UWH
Thanks for that Eldon – good blog – thanks for the link – the Ebay ad is a bit odd though, unless I missed something they’re selling the ESP-13 and give a list of the relative benefits of each of the different ESP modules… and they miss the ESP-13 off… so is that it? more FLASH – what about pinout – compatible with anything else? One of the reasons I like the ESP12 and 12E is the number of pins they bring out including the A/D
The WROOM-02/ESP-13 are a wee bit cheeky. There are 16 pins, but two of them are just extra grounds, so basically the same pins as the original ESP-12 (-not- the E), but all in a completely different order (which, because of the different pitch, doesn’t really make much difference; we couldn’t use any of the existing adapters anyway).
You -can- solder them by hand. I use a normal iron with a relatively fine point (nothing special) to solder on thin wire “stand-offs” from a 2.54mm/0.1″ pitch stripboard. Those flying wires need to be a bit longer than when you do the same thing with a -03 or -12, as the -13 has more pins -and- a finer pitch.
The genuine WROOM-02 is easier to solder by the way, as the metal of the RF shield has a much cleaner finish. The ESP-13 metal shield has a ragged skirt and always seems in danger of shorting to the solder on the pins.
Having said that though, Eldon’s adapter boards look like a lot less trouble and easier to work with (I have OSH-park open in another window right now).
As Pete already said, great blog! I’m trying to order a few of your boards now. Your “server farm” seems to be off-line right now, so I apologize for all the entries in your firewall log where I ran up and down the ports between 8160 and 8172 trying to get a response.
I found your GitHub account, but no ESP8266 repository yet. 🙁 Let me know when it’s available and I’ll poke a hole in my firewall to allow your “reverse beacon” idea.
The prices on the ESP13 are all over the shop at the moment, with this eBay seller currently (as of twenty seconds ago!) coming out ahead of the pack at U.S. $2.89:-
WARNING – I haven’t used this particular seller before, so this is not in any way an endorsement, just a FYI only.
None of the seller pages I looked at (including AI-Thinker’s Taobao site) had any information on flash sizes (that I could find). At least they did have a decent, dimensioned diagram of the board, though.
If you have the parts around, it takes less than half an hour to cut a piece of perfboard, stick two rows of pins in it and connect the non-0.1″ ESP module pads to the pins with some wire scraps and voila! instant experiment-board-friendly module.
You can also buy an ESP-12 AND a 0.1″ adaptor plate together for around US$3.70 total
No excuses, kids 😉
I wish they sell this in the ESP-210 format.
Well you know there are plenty of adaptors on Ebay from the 2mm format to 0.1″
According to the sites you linked to, the pin pitch = 1.5mm.
This one probably is – which makes prototyping a little difficult. The ESP-210 is 0.1″ as of course is the ESP-01. Expect to see more designs – were it not for the fact that the chips seem to be more expensive than you can buy finished designs for, I’d be inclned to get my own done to my own specific design (which would be 0.1″ but a little narrower).