A Weekend of Links

Good morning (11/11)!

Well, this weekend I got up early to see what was happening with the 11/11 sales. What’s that you say? Well, if we only knew about British sites like RS components one could be forgiven for thinking that today was just another ordinary day. Fortunately we know better!

So for starters there are sales at both AliExpress and Banggood.  Both have some bargains and YES I blew the wallet this morning, new displays, new phone, you name it – discounts vary but they are genuine. Do you know of any other sites offering 11/11 sales of any note today??

Meanwhile Antonio suggested I point Node-Red newbies to this set of YouTube videos on Node-Red Fundamentals – I’ll leave it to you to decide if they are any good and do let us know. Of course if you want to play with Node-Red without getting your hands dirty there is always the FRED site (which just happens to feature BIGTIMER (under advanced).

9 thoughts on “A Weekend of Links

  1. Hi Peter, I took at look at those tutorial videos and I thought they were very good with clearly explained. I’ve been using Node-Red for a while but I still picked up a few tips. Very good for people new to Node-Red.

      1. If anyone spots any more- please do leave a link – but only good clear ones – there are a lot of people out there who should not be allowed near a video camera 🙂

    1. We are also trying to do some improvements to the Node-RED docs as well so if you have any feedback or suggestions, please drop a note into the #docs channel on the Node-RED Slack.

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