Advanced IP Scanner Tips from Famatech

Advanced IP Scanner - Famatech

If you’re running a PC on a network, you may well have used the free “Advanced IP Scanner” – I have for years, especially when I introduce new IOT devices to the network. This short blog entry isn’t an ad (it’s free anyway) but I thought I’d share this as I was testing my IOT setup at home, ran 2 instances of Advanced IP Scanner and they gave different results (i.e. more devices appeared on one instance). I was worried – was my favourite IP tool in trouble?

SO, I wrote to Famatech on Friday and today (Monday) got an email reply.. useful.

“First do not run both Advanced IP Scanner because these will give you stucks and errors of your network
Section use this:

You need to delete stored data. You can find this option in the following way: Advanced IP Scanner -> Settings -> Options -> Misc -> Delete stored data.

Reset cache
Delete this file, it path here:
C:\Users\user_name (advanced_ip_scanner_MAC.bin)”

Handy to know so I’m storing it here for my benefit and hoping someone else benefits.