This turned up from Banggood for me yesterday – an E27 (screw-fit) and it works well with the recommended, free Smart Life app. These bulbs also work with Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

I really can’t complain as the lamp does what it is supposed to (and will be priced accordingly) and if that is what you need, the link is above – Banggood pricing is as always competitive – where I think I might’ve gone wrong is getting an RGBW lamp – these have only one WHITE (no warm/cool control) – so maybe in future what I need are RGBWW lamps like the GU10 Zemismart lights I recently reviewed.
Also this particular lamp is ESP8266-based (good) and hence works with Tasmota if you don’t want to use the cloud, but there is no specific template for it so with Tasmota I could not get control over the white element and ended up with a simple smart RGB lamp.
For anyone looking in and wondering what the difference between RGB, RGBW and RGBWW is – or indeed what Tasmota is, I suggest reading my other blog entries on the subject. If you want the best, you need separate white (as RGB, though technically able to make white, isn’t stunningly good at it – and the best (and most expensive) smart lamps have both WARM and COOL white LEDs as well as the RGB LEDs.
At the very bottom, RGB-ONLY lights are generally good for mood lighting but with not very good white. This particular un-branded lamp is the next step up – it has bright white basic control and the white seems pretty neutral. Most people I know want WARM white – with only one friend insisting that cold white is better.
The ZemiSmart lamps were not cheap, at £65 (UK pounds) for 6, but the whites are spot-on with full control over colour temperature.
Thank you for publishing this! I’m trying to set up the same thing. Did you use one of the preset module types, or did you use a custom template? Could you please share?
I seem to recall I just guessed at the settings.