Apologies to anyone who tried to register yesterday or this morning. In an attempt to reduce false registration I added a plug in to include captcha – well that worked a treat except in the process it altered the responses to new uses so that they didn’t get a password – fat load of use that was. Site is also running a little slow presumably due to interest, working on that with the service provider.
Hi, The “Raspberry Pi 2 Logging” topic seems closed on your blog but I simply try :
ServerName FOO
in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/myconf in the VirtualHost section (after/before ServerAdmin or DocumentRoot, or…)
and solves the problem.
So I changed FOO to something more useful…
I noticed it has to be somthing different than localhost
Thanks for that Michael- I eventually got it to work and every night I get a message to say that “Pi2” has flushed the logs to disk. Now if only I could get it to do that with MYSQL to save all that disk writing…
Always something that takes your attention off what you actually want to do!
Just thought I’d mention B4A and an MQTT library add-on that is available. Yup, it does cost, but …. it’s the first time I’ve had an android app running which can send and display messages back usefully. ie. buttons sliders etc. Just modified a sample app that comes with the mqtt library and that was it.
Might be useful for certain applications?