Blog changes

In order to minimise spam, I have removes some email subscriptions where the user names looked automated. This process is nowhere near perfect but is essential to protect valid readers/subscribers.

I’ve also changed email newsletter requests to double-opt-in – that is, if you newly request emails from the blog, you may be asked to confirm your email address. I apologise in advance for any inconvenience to registered blog readers.

While I’m here – has anyone been watching the media coverage of the new folding Samsung phone (and others)? I know this is technically neat but am I alone in wishing manufacturers would concentrate on the things we really want and in some cases need? Improved charging/battery life would be good. Better cameras, by which I don’t mean much higher resolution, but vastly improved low-light performance and optical zoom would be good – even if that means new lens technology. Do we really need higher resolution for selfies? Probably not. Let’s see real innovation, guys.

5 thoughts on “Blog changes

  1. Hi,
    I have a request about your post/email.
    is there possible to have under the title of each article/item the date of the last modification, so by the way we know if there is an update since the last time we read it ?
    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi Pete,
    I get two emails automatically every time recently. Not sure what has changed.

    I have not been getting any additional spam.

  3. Sorry to say, now I am nagged with FREE offers when I fill in a survey and I get “free” rewards. What is going on? Now the spammers have taken over your Blog.

  4. Completely agree with those thoughts but I would not consider paying $2000 for a phone anyway, actually I would not pay a quarter of that.

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