Boxym Home Automatic Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

The(model CK-W133) is simple enough and fits on the wrist – as against the more usual type that fit around the upper arm and that means rolling up or removing your shirt. As someone who checks their blood pressure regularly I’ve wanted one of these for a while – I do of course have umpteen smart bands but I don’t really trust the blood pressure readings on them as they consisently show lower values than my upper-arm monitor or the unit at the doctor’s surgery (the latter two are quite consistent).

Boxym Blood Pressure Monitor from Banggood

So I was quite excited when the Boxym turned up (not the best state to be in when taking blood pressure readings :-0 ). I’m not entirely confident of the readings taken on my right wrist but on the left wrist (my usual choice) they consistently match those of my more expensive upper-arm BP tester… and no more rolling up sleeves. I like it. The manual has 20 pages, all in (near enough) English – always a good start.

You need a pair of AAA batteries and that’s it up and running – simply press the on/off button after fastening the unit to your wrist. And remember, when using any such units – your wrist should be at about heart height with palm facing UP, you need to be relaxed, NOT talking, breathing normally – and both my UK doctor and I usually ignore the first reading then take two more readings – loosening the unit between readings.

Boxym Blood Pressure Monitor

I hope that is helpful for those of you interested in giving one of these devices a go.


5 thoughts on “Boxym Home Automatic Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

  1. In the Telegraph today they are recommending that everybody has one and calls the Doctor before your Oxy levels get too low. You have a better chance of surviving Covid-19.

  2. I have one very similar that I bought from Lidl a few years ago. It works well, but I don’t have anything to compare it with. Have just last week bought a blood oximeter, to see if my oxygen levels are OK.

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