If you recall my earlier post on the code for handling WS2812B LEDs with an ESP-12 or similar – I’ve been discovering the odd flicker on the first LED – recall I lengthened the reset pulse to get rid of this – well, I was still getting it very occasionally…
Category: WS2812B
ESP8266 WS2812B LEDs on a Plate
Well, now that I’ve cracked using the WS2812B LEDs – I guess I’d better share the results – especially as it was the work of others that started me off on this road! I went down a LOT of dead routes with this – firstly I was going to have…
WS2812b Success on the ESP-12
This one has been long in the making. I’ve had a fair bit of success with the little ESP-12 and it is now my favourite despite the 2mm centres. Why, because it HAS everything – lots of port bits, A/D convertor etc. why on EARTH we all went off and…