ESP 32 Unofficial Development Kit

Michael Grigorev has released a Beta version of Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP32 (Windows)

From Michael:

The kit includes the following components and tools:
* Unofficial GCC compiler for SoC Xtensa L108.
* Official Espressif ESP32 RTOS SDK v1.1.0
* Documentation for SoC ESP32.
* Examples in the firmware source code in C language.
* Additional tools for working with boards based on the ESP32.

Instructions for installing and configuring the Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP32:
1. Download (114Mb) and install my Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP32.
2. Download and install the Java Runtime x86 (jre-7uXX-windows-i586.exe)
3. Download and install Eclipse Mars x86 to develop in C ++ ( Unpack the archive to the root of drive C.
4. Download and install MinGW. Run mingw-get-setup.exe, the installation process to select without GUI, ie uncheck “… also install support for the graphical user interface”.
5. Download the (84Mb) my scripts to automate the installation of additional modules for MinGW.
6. Run from my file install-mingw-package.bat. He will establish the basic modules for MinGW, installation should proceed without error.
7. Start the Eclipse Luna from the directory c:\eclipse\eclipse.exe
8. In Eclipse, select File -> Import -> General -> Existing Project into Workspace, in the line Select root directory, select the directory C:\Espressif\examples\ESP32 and import work projects.
9. Edit the Makefile, correct COM port number in the parameter ESPPORT and SPI_SIZE_MAP.
Further, the right to select the Make Target project, such as esp32_hello_world and run the target ‘all’ the compile project, while in the console window should display the progress of the build. Run the target ‘flash’ for burn firmware.

Official website of the ESP 32 unofficial development project

13 thoughts on “ESP 32 Unofficial Development Kit

  1. Sir it was me only who put the kit together …but now i m getting this do u have any other solution ..please

    1. Sorry I’ve not had enough time to experiment with the ESP32 (too busy with ESP8266) – ask the author of the package! It is also not on my current setup here so I can’t try that example. I do recall in my original setup in the UK absolutely DID compile. Maybe you got something wrong in the setup.

  2. Sir ,i have installed and configured the development kit as given by you n facing the follwing errors .
    please help asap

    12:22:40 **** Build of configuration Default for project esp32_hello_world ****
    mingw32-make.exe -f C:/Espressif/examples/ESP32/esp32_hello_world/Makefile flash_boot
    c:/Espressif/utils/ESP32/esptool_esp32.exe -c ESP32 -p COM3 -b 2 230400 write_flash -fs 1MB -fm qio -ff 40m \
    0x0 c:/Espressif/ESP32_RTOS_SDK/bin/boot.bin
    usage: esptool [-h] [–chip {ESP8266,ESP32}] [–port PORT] [–baud BAUD]

    esptool: error: argument operation: invalid choice: ‘230400’ (choose from ‘load_ram’, ‘dump_mem’, ‘read_mem’, ‘write_mem’, ‘write_flash’, ‘run’, ‘image_info’, ‘make_image’, ‘elf2image’, ‘read_mac’, ‘flash_id’, ‘read_flash’, ‘erase_flash’, ‘test’)
    C:/Espressif/examples/ESP32/esp32_hello_world/Makefile:195: recipe for target ‘flash_boot’ failed
    mingw32-make.exe: *** [flash_boot] Error 2

    12:22:40 Build Finished (took 393ms)

    Thank you

  3. Hi,Pete,I complie my project in eclipse which download from ulr was supported in this bolgs.I can obtain the binary that is 0x00000.bin and 0x40000.bin.But now, can you tellk me how to modify the makefile or cofiguration of eclipse to complie the binary which is support th FOAT?And how i can do to come true the differeent the flahs size and mode?Thank you!

  4. Can anyone help me out. I’ve tried everything to build the binaries but with no success. I keep getting errors, like file not found (a path problem?) and then loads of stuff like
    undefined reference to `rboot_set_current_rom’ etc.

  5. Way out of my depth here but have meticuously followed the guide. I see the missing file and have googled for it but no good…
    I get:

    mingw32-make.exe -f C:/Espressif/scargill_31_1_16/Makefile all
    C:\Python27\python.exe c:\Espressif\utils\ firmware/webpages.espfs user/webpage.h
    C:/Espressif/scargill_31_1_16/Makefile:216: recipe for target ‘user/webpage.h’ failed
    process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, C:\Python27\python.exe c:\Espressif\utils\ firmware/webpages.espfs user/webpage.h, …) failed.
    make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.

    mingw32-make: *** [user/webpage.h] Error 2

  6. Note that in Windows 10 the at command has been deprecated so you need to change the line

    at > nul

    schtasks > nul

    in the file



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