I’m including a quick writeup on the DIN-rail mounting MaticBox because Leapmatic just sent me a couple of samples in the post today.
The company are a little unusual in the Raspberry Pi case arena because they claim that “LeapMatic LLC is a high-tech company founded in 2015 by a group of ambitious software and hardware engineers from the USA and EU”
The box looks well made, though there is nothing special about the supplied fan. I do like the idea of being able to expand the box vertically to fit more “hats”.
Pricing etc is available in Euros and US currency from various parts of the Leapbatic website. My package arrived from Bulgaria. You can buy the box directly from them in the EU at €9.99 – in the USA from amazon.us for $9.99 but I’m guessing that’s plus taxes and post. In the Leapmatic page they take you all the way through their forms BEFORE discussing requesting your location – and hence before you find out what the postal charges will be (I HATE THAT).
Of course, potential benefits of using a company like this depend on where you live. For example, in the EU (you know, the place that Britain is in the process of leaving) there’s no chance of getting landed with duty. The quality does look good – the boxes they sent me are rock-solid.
Of interest the company also do a similar box for Raspberry Pi 3 (similarly called MaticBox).
The relay board is an odd one – it has 2 relays, ONE 3-way connector and a telephone jack – no components on the header board (I was expecting to see driver transistors for the relays).

Update November 26, 2020
Leapmatic have done some tests comparing fans which fit in their MaticBoxes – I may as well simply put the link in here for you. There you go.