Quicky – iHORN Window/Door Sensor HO-031ZB

Back in 2022 I wrote about a bunch of iHorn products then took it no further as I didn’t get very far integrating them into Zigbee2MQTT and hence my Node-Red-based home control. Well, today I noticed in a spare moment, the iHorn HO-031ZB sensor pair in a box – wasting away. I spared no time in checking that the sensor was still working – it was/is. Working on a pair of cR1632 batteries – this unit has been sitting doing nothing for the better part of two years and I noted – when I pressed the tiny pairing button, that it immediately connected to Zigbee2MQTT and when I renamed it, the latter gave me the opportunity to update Home assistant. I checked the battery state, looks fine, works. It seems that Zigbee2MQTT has caught up in the meantime.


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