Ugreen Nexode GaN Fast Charger

Ugreen Nexode charger

A couple of weeks ago I received an email in German (no, I don’t speak German) from Ugreen who offered to send me a charger to look at. I’ve had stuff from Ugreen before and no problem so – why not!

So yesterday I received the new U green Charger in the mail – nice packaging. The very first thing that came to my attention was the look it – it has a pair of boots attached to the two mains prongs – a gimmick but a good start. I removed those and plugged the unit into the mains. That was a very short-lived experiment as I got sidetracked and it wasn’t until late evening when I came to bed and plugged my phone in to the normal charger, realising that I had only 25% left on the phone.

Ugreen Nexode charger

I took a look and my normal charger which is PD compatible (several USB 5v outlets, 1 USB-C (PD) outlet and therefore should be quick with a USB C lead – 1 hour and 10 minutes till fully charged it said. Before making the mistake of comparing chargers when a lead could be to blame for any speed loss, I swapped over my existing lead on my PD charger with the lead which came with the Ugreen charger – no difference.

Ugreen Nexode charger

SO I simply took the lead out of the original charger and plugged it into the Ugreen charger and that one hour and 10 minutes changed into 54 minutes. That doesn’t sound like a lot but it’s a significant improvement given the original charger was my fastest (of many different types) – and I was using the same lead so we can discount that. Two chargers both saying 65W or more – high speed PD (power delivery), one of them says the phone will be fully charged in 1 hour 10 minutes the other one says 54 minutes – I know which one I’m going to spend time with now.

And in the short time it took me to voice-record the above text on my phone, that was reduced to 47 minutes. I’m liking this more and more. Not much else I can say about a simple charger. The boots are a great gimmick – great as surprise present – more importantly it is fast and runs cool – so many say they are fast but fail in the end. My Samsung phone isn’t the fastest to charge in the world – so this is about as good as I’ve had up to now.

They gave me an link – I’ll leave you with that.


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