Are these new? Reader Christian brought these to my attention this evening – price is ok – and if size is at a premium….
Small footprint, USB-to-TTL is on the underside. This is quite interesting when space is an issue. Supplier also has a DHT11 shield:
Next is a piggyback development board with an RGB LED, a photo resistor and three buttons:
issueing this command from Liberty Basic causes the unit to appear to go into flash mode — open “com8:38400,n,8,1,ds0,cs0,rs” for random as #ESP
disconnected GPIO-0 and LED reflects same as in Firmware Load….
Loaded a working sketch on ESP13/12E/-201 using Serial input from a software[pc]bridge
As soon as I open the bridge the unit appears to goto Flash mode , I’m thinking some gpio pins are maybe connected to DTR, RTS ???
I can connect ESPlorer v0.2 with no issue??
Hi evrybody,
I’ve just received my mini-nodemcu, today.
Befor I flash it with my developpements, i would like know where I can found the original soft in it.
(soft play the rgb led and server on than I can’t found).
Is there somebody can give an adress ?
Thank you very much
All 10 units working now… cleaned the rosin between GPIO15 and Grd
problem sure was solid when starting , windows driver would not work until I lifted the pin, now wondering if it was a windows fluke….
I receive 10 today, mine has sw under antenna,
only have tried 2 thus far , The serial port fails.. I had to bend GPIO15 out so it
will not go into socket. Baud is 115200.. unit has weird fw ,,,,
dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:192.16)bcn100
SDK versiobcn 0
del if1
mode : sta(5c:cf:7f:81:c8:5c)
SC version: V2.5.0
f 0, scandone
f 0, scandone
I tried connecting to but could not [ did not try ping]
Loaded nodeMCu sdk 1.5.0
There are two new stackable shields available for the Wemos D1 mini on Aliexpress in the Wemos store:
DHT22 shield
Button shield
A DHT11 shield was already available since the launch of the D1 mini.
Yes, these two boards have shown up several weeks ago. I ordered both, the Wemos D1 mini and 2 of the Gizwits Witty Cloud Boards (the right one). The Gizwits boards already arrived here. I have played around a little bit with them the last days. It is not bad what you get for a little over 2.70€ but there are some drawbacks to mention.
The board has a width of 12 pins (not breadboard friendly).
The micro-USB connector on the top board is for power only, the USB-Serial-chip on the bottom board is a CH340 with a micro-USB data and power connector. You can’t bypass the LDO on the top board (no extra pin). When powering up from the lower USB-serial-adapter board it is starting in flash mode, you need then to press the reset button once to start in normal operation mode.
Connected onboard inputs and outputs:
The on-top light resistor is connected to the ADC. The measurable range is quite limited, especially when it comes to bright light.
PIN 4: Button below antenna on top board, pulls low when pressed
PIN 12: green LED in RGB-LED
PIN 13: blue LED in RGB-LED
PIN 15: red LED in RGB-LED
The LEDs are still glowing a little bit when not initialized as output.
Adam is probably right with his hint at the position of the small metal switch under the antenna … unfortunately. The WiFi-performance is not as good as what I expected from an ESP-12f module. The direct comparison between my 2 Gizwits Witty Cloud boards and my other ESP8266-boards using the ESP8266/Arduino WiFiScan sketch shows that some other ESP8266-boards have better sensitivity (measured from the same position on my desk in my office).
At all it is a nice all-in-one board for learning (e. g. student courses), because it is very cheap and equipped with directly usable inputs and outputs.
Thanks for the infos about LDO and RGC-LEDs of the Mini-MCU
Tried to get in contact with the seller (Robotz zhang) but only got a link to a chinese-page with a 750MB-Zip. And this can only be loaded with a download-manager
ESP-12F? why this. Looks like an ESP-12E. Where is the difference? OK antenna looks different.
Very cute board, I got it working under Arduino using Wemos rather than Generic, but yes, the WiFi is lacking.
The WiFiScan sketch lists about 4 APs (including both my home ones, at least) whereas the Wemos I have lists over 15 and sometimes 20.
Still, you get what you pay for!
The same vendor is selling this:
The Chinglish translation is absolutely classic too!
>The same vendor is selling this
The cheapest ESP-01 I have seen until today, £1.20, 1.65€, US$1.78 incl. shipping. How far can the price go down?
As a self-confessed china electronics junkie I see myself weeping when the ESP32 comes out and my desk is still filled with ESP8266s.
WOW that is cheap – and guess what – I get my ESP32 tomorrow!!!
Yeah, rub it in! You celebrities get all the good stuff for free ;-P
Priceless Chinglish!! I’ve forwarded the link to some colleagues. Brilliant.
The D1 Mini board looks lovely, and I’ve been looking to get something that’s better than the dirt cheap barebones ESP8266 I got a year ago. They also crash a lot, which may be related to their cheapness and being one of the first to market. The D1 Mini should be a great little modern replacement. Thank you 🙂
I’d stear clear of that second one with it’s nice metal push button directly under the antenna.
Good point
Saw these two pop up on Ali last week. Ordered them the same day. both are heading towards me. Will report on arrival. Looks nice!