This blog entry refers to installing Jessie, Node Red and other utilities on a Pi 2 (not Pi 1 – there is a minor startup issue with Node-Red with that right now) specifically from the November 2015 Jessie image on the Raspberry Pi site. Grab the November 2015 Jessie image…
Month: January 2016
Raspberry Pi Volume in Node Red
Over the course of my many experiments with the Raspberry Pi and similar I have had constant problems with volume – I remember wasting ages with the Orange Pi – no WAY could I get sound to come out of the analog output. Things are a bit better with the…
Nextion and ESP8266
Ever since I fell in love with the little Nextion displays I’ve been thinking about a little ESP8266 board to go with them – well, I’ve been beaten to it. Today I received in the post a little box from Guy Molinari with his efforts – I have to say…
Update 03/01/2016 17:00: I spent (wasted) much of New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day setting up a brand new “Jessie” installation on a Raspberry Pi 2, at the end of which I had managed to put 2 copies of Node-Red on the same machine, the sound would not come…
Espresso Lite
I could have sworn I wrote about these – but apparently not! Anyway… the Espresso Lite ( is a small board based on the ESP Vroom02 module and the board concentrates on the prototyping 0.1 loving community – a good thing !! I have one of these sitting in front…
Linkit Smart 7688
This is interesting… so in the post between Christmas and New Year I received one of these in the post. The Linkit Smart 7688 arrived in the form of a small box about the size of a box of matches. The unit itself is a PCB with metal screen (note…