Tonight I’ve been building on my earlier work on graphing, if you read a few blogs back you’ll know I got some basic graphing running on the Raspberry Pi 2, taking MQTT data from a sensor and storing it in MYSQL. Well that was fine apart from the graphs having…
Category: MQTT
Pi Graphing Progress
Making great progress with the Raspberry Pi despite not knowing Linux from a hole in the ground a week ago. We’re at our place in Spain for a short break with limited facilities (I’ve ordered a USB scope for the next time we’re here). As of this morning, I’ve managed…
NodeMCU Broken?
For now I’m concentrating on achieving reliability with MQTT using the original library and C – and interfacing it to the likes of the Raspberry Pi 2, but it came to my attention for those of you using Lua right now that there seems to be a problem with the…
DS18b20 and MQTT Graphs
As a background job, some of you will know I’ve been looking at averaging temperature readings as there can be a little variation when reading the DS18b20 for a variety of reasons, though nothing like the horrors I saw when using ESP201. On the ESP-10 with a 12” lead I’m…
Easy MQTT Graphing
I’m quite excited this morning, had an email from Kamil Baczkowicz – could I please try the latest beta of MQTT-SPY – I’ve been encouraging him to add graphing for the MQTT input as even Node-Red doesn’t do this out of the box.. sure enough he’s cracked it. Here’s a…
MQTT SPY Graphing
If you’re using MQTT-Spy – you HAVE to check out the latest beta – I asked Kamil to introduce graphing and he’s made a start, so now straight from the PC desktop you can graph your MQTT – marvellous… check the latest BETA –
ESP8266 and MQTT Exciting Times
I don’t want to jump in prematurely here but those of you who have been reading the blog will know that I’ve had no end of problems with the MQTT stand-alone software on the ESP8266, but as each problem has emerged, the author (Minh Tuan) has been keeping in touch…
There’s a new MQTT-SPY out – here This program has been invaluable to me throughout all the time I’ve been testing and learning about MQTT. It sits on my desk running constantly and never falls over. Properly set up it can send timed messages out and coming soon –…