We were just talking about getting system info into graphs in the comments in a previous blog entry – and I realised I already had some code for getting that info in Python – and using a library that can provide a LOT more. So – as it was there…
Category: Python
microPython and the ESP
Flush with success at writing trivial code on NEO platform to control lights and displays, in Python, I thought I’d have a go at microPython on the ESP8266 and the ESP32. Getting this working on the ESP8266 was trivial as the binary files start at zero – so really you…
Colour Terminal Login
I made this as a continuation of my current work with the NEO2 but there is no reason why this could not be adapted to other boards. There are also many ways to achieve the same thing i.e. colourful terminal login – this is merely a what I chose to…
So – would you like to play with Node-Red for free without even running it on your own PC? Check out FRED for Node-Red on Google . You just don’t get any easier than this! Also this morning I stumbled across KODING – an online environment for HTML, PHP, PYTHON etc. …