You would think there would be loads of these floating around, but no, people make them the hard way. So here, rescued from my original wordpress site – is my Digistump (Arduino) cricket generator (sound simulator). I figured this out back in 2014 while sitting in the sun in Spain.
If you have nothing better to do, why not take a look. You will need this library to save power in your little cricket.
As this is a re-write of the original 2014 article in my old WordPress blog – there could be the odd error, should be easy to spot if so.
#include <Narcoleptic.h> int Pin1=0; int Pin2=0; void setup() { pinMode(Pin1,OUTPUT); pinMode(Pin2,OUTPUT); randomSeed(analogRead(3)); analogReference(INTERNAL); } void chirp() { byte a,b,w,x,y,z; w=random(20,22); z=random(195,197); for (b=5;b;b--} { x=1; y=z+random(1,2); for (a=0; a<125; ++a) { digitalWrite(Pin1,HIGH); digitalWrite(Pin2,LOW); delayMicroseconds(x); delayMicroseconds(b); digitalWrite(Pin1,LOW); digitalWrite(Pin2,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(y); delayMicroseconds(b); x++; y--; if (x==100) y-=50; } delay(w); } } void(loop); { int a,b,e,f; b=random(3,7); e=random(2000,3000); for (a=0;a<b;a++) { chirp(); f=random(120,220); Narcoleptic.delay(f); } }