ESP-GO Update–the ILI9340 QD-TECH drivers

There’s a discussion going on in here about the M5 Stack and one of the guys says he wants to use ESP8266 – now then is possibly a good time to announce that I’ve been updating the code in ESP-GO for  the ILI9340 and QD-Tech displays. It is all in the doc file but here are some pics… An ESP-12 board plus cheap display..


Above the ILI9340 and below the smaller and lower res QD-Tech display board, both dirt cheap, in the example below, boxed up on the wall as a stat display…. I’ve added the option to re-purpose gpio4 and 5 in ESP-GO for a maximum of 3 auto responders on input state change (trigger2, trigger4 and trigger5) making a thermostat display with buttons a snap.

QD_TECH in a box, reversed out display

For the DIY-er on a budget, this is a very inexpensive solution. The display layout of course is not fixed, you can set up your frame, select fonts and update icons as you see fit in Node-Red or other high level environment. The QD_Tech board is lower res than the ILI9340 but I got a bunch of suitable boxes from Ebay for just £3 each some time ago.  The light you see is driven by one of those touch sensitive plates we discussed in the blog some time ago. In reality I will end up using 3 tiny buttons.

12 thoughts on “ESP-GO Update–the ILI9340 QD-TECH drivers

    1. Good except for the ridiculous price inc post. You can get an ili9341 full touch screen for that. 320*240

    1. Now you mention it I cant find them so I’ve ordered 3 ili9341 displays with touch. Adding the touch driver should not be a HUGE challenge.

  1. You need a display as defined here:
    I have tried to order them via aliexpress, but only got ST7735 which is very commonly used and also dirt cheap. I tried this on ESP-GO, but no success. You really need the S6D02 chip based display!
    We need a more general library that is also compatible for other similar displays. Peter could you please have a look at it as we are some time further on and see all kind of libraries that are compatible, but also to ESP-GO? Like this? :

    1. I spent far too much time on ST7734 – lots of variations – ultimately got no-where. Don’t really want to waste more time on it, hence ILI9340 code – ESP-GO updated this week to allow 3 button control.

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