And for today’s intriguing question… I’ve been working on the ESP-12 for some time now – the program has never failed to work on power up… today I wanted to put the code back into an ESP-01 as I only wanted to use GPIO0… same code – same kit – ESP-01 powers up – gives up the usual rubbish on powerup and… nothing.
Works in the ESP-12 – doesn’t work in ESP-01. Tell me I’m dreaming but are they not identical apart from the actual pinout?
I feel like I’ve entered a parallel universe… used to work. I’ve tried spare boards – makes no difference.
Just a thought…
I have 01 modules from two different sources and they’re slightly different with regards to GPIO2 – one is pulled high via a 2K, the other isn’t. I seem to remenber reading somewhere that GPIO2 (and GPIO15) need to be high at bootup…
Do you have anything hooked up to GPIO0 or GPIO2?
Yes Terence, but I’m aware of the restrictions on GPIO0 – also – the same argument should apply – no difference in theory between ESP-12 and ESP-01 as far as I know other than more pins brought out on the 12. Am I right?
All I can think of…
– does your ESP-01 still run firmware that worked there previously? (this confirms your board and your upload chain)
– does your working ESP-12 firmware expect levels or signals on any GPIOs that the ESP-01 doesn’t provide?
Thanks for that Ken – I was just about to write in here. Guess what…. I tried reverting to SDK 0.9.5 and lo and behold – it works. I went back to 1.0.0 – doesn’t work. I discounted the GPIOs because though they are not brought out – they are the same on both boards – and the code fails before any port setup!
Here’s my init code..
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_init(void) {
uart_init(BIT_RATE_115200, BIT_RATE_115200);
tm.Valid = 0; //ps time is invalid
See the info line – which is just an os_printf… it doesn’t even get that far.
I’ve contacted Espressif.. the strange thing is – a simple HELLO WORLD program works a treat – so it could be something to do with the size of the program – I really don’t see it as the chips are the same – but it is utterly repeatable..
Interesting. Maybe you’ve just earned $$$ in espressif’s v1.0.0 bughunt!
Well, stating that there is a bug is one thing… finding it another 🙂 As long as they fix it I’m not too bothered about earning money. I do seem to have this knack for finding issues… I can say with confidence that I’m single-handedly responsible for reporting a lot of MQTT bugs – one reason is it so good now (the author is very helpful).