HoldPeak HP-770D Multimeter

January 2019 – Update – was I just unlucky or have others come across this? I just found that  the clever yellow blinds which stop you putting the leads in the wong holes stopped working – then I discovere that the main control wheel had a loose bearing. In the process of opening up, a small bit of spring steel dropped out – and I’m not entirely sure where it goes… that can’t be good and to be sure, there is no-where near that much defaul in the “manual”. Could this be the end of this meter?

This is a 5-digit multimeter with analog bar-graph which just came in from Banggood. I’ve only had a brief play and I love it already. On the principle that a picture is worth 1000 words, here are some pictures.


So, it’s a multimeter, it has an analog bar-graph, it measures temperature (with or without the supplied thermocouple lead), it has contact-free mains presence measuring, an AUTOMATIC backlight (that’s nice), the meter comes complete with leads and a nice cloth case. Packaging was good. Instructions come on an A4 double-sided sheet in good English.

The picture below shows both basic and general functions:

meter functions


meterHere is the actual meter… I won’t go through the basic specs, it’s a multimeter for heaven’s sake. There are a few things worth mentioning in addition to above however: the HP-770D has a nice, solid feel, runs off a 9v battery (I used a rechargeable), auto/manual ranging, transistor testing, diode checking with audio, hold, max and min hold, frequency measurement, way better than 1% accuracy except AC voltages, frequency resolution 1Khz at 10 Mhz. It also measures capacitance.

Overall I like it. To do this justice I’ll come back to this after some real world use.

2 thoughts on “HoldPeak HP-770D Multimeter

  1. Good day
    Can I use a normal 9V battery here from market……?…..I am from India and we use 230V here…kindly reply earliest to my email

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