The I7E Fitness Tracker bracelet is my second bracelet of the day – this one came from Gearbest and comes in an adequate if basic case.
As you can see, the bracelet is quite attractive. The App is the freely downloadable Zeroner Health Pro app available in both the Android Playstore and the iPhone equivalent. OwownPro does the same thing – you can’t link to both apps at once so pick one or the other.
Setting up the watch/bracelet took no time at all and getting the Zeroner App running and watch connected was trivial.
The bracelet has a choice of 4 watch-faces – and it shows the temperature and weather though I can only imagine it must get that from the phone.
The display is fairly bright. Heart (pulse) rate is handled, Kcal, distance, steps, ECG testing and Atrial Fibrillation (the latter is unusual).
Meditation training is covered (read that as “timer”) as are the usual sports modes. The bracelet is curved which looks nice though bear in mind that this makes protection nigh on impossible and it IS a plastic finish. In my case the whole thing is black and reasonably stylish.
The Zeroner app can work independently or talk to Google Fit app. I hooked it up to the Google App just for the sake of it.
You may be wondering about battery life as that for me is VERY important – the strap has not been charged for days – and the battery indicator still says 80%
Gearbest link removed as they are now apparently history.
No idea, everything dies eventually 🙂
When will it require a battery replacement. All batteries die eventually.
Good morning. I have a problem. My I7E no longer connects to the phone. With Zeroner and with IWOW. The application sees the device but does not connect in any way. I reset the Smartband, uninstalled and reinstalled the apps. No result.
Thanks for the review of the band. I have it since 2 days, it didn’t track my sleep so far. Any idea?
How to adjust the brightness of the screen?
Thanks for the support.
I’ve not used the band for several weeks due to testing others and the move back to the UK. I’ve just plugged it in to charge for 15 minutes of so – then synced it to my Pocophone. Sync’d perfectly, correct (now UK) time.
You can see that’s not an old photo from Spain, I don’t think it has been that cold over there YET. 5 minutes ago here in the freezing wastes of the Northeast of Britain.
i’m still in short sleeves 😀
in south Italy of course it’s hotter than the rest of the peninsula, and i usually “hope” to arrive to at least october 15 with short sleeves…
last year, i arrived at october 23… let’s see if i can arrive till the “day of the deads”… or the deads arrive to me… but i’m ready for the zombie apocalypse! 😀
How you get weather on your alfawise i7e?
I don’t have weather info on it?
Thank you
I dont think I have that any more.
I’m having the same issue.
Let me know if any one can help
Hi Naman, is ur issue resolved? How’s the band?? Thinking of buying one
Even i have a 30mins time lag issue, can anyone please help.
Sounds like it isn’t actually syncing?
Inteligent light sensor whitch change brightnes level is in this smart band. Look at the description 😉
Brightness is not this band’s problem – getting th time wrong is. Despit being sync’d to my phone, it remains an hour behind.
Time in my item is correct.
It is in mine now – now idea why it was not originally but now it is working a treat.
Try another app. Iwownfit pro is the same app as zeroner .maybe fix this isue.
Did your time-lag issue resolved? My band is running 30 minute behind actual time.
Yes sounds like you have a sync issue