This product from Ruideng (no idea why the panel says RIDEN) , a LOVELY 60V, 6A variable power supply arrived today in kit form (their best looking product to date) and I’ve had a great afternoon putting this together with nothing more than a screwdriver and a pair of pliers.
Nov 30, 2019 update: PC software updated and no longer puts out a virus warning – check out this video from RDTech.
Everything is provided except for the mains lead – and actually there’s a little more, I had to drill one hole and apply solder to one lead because I fitted what I assume is a non-standard switched DC power source. Just what I had lying around gathering dust.
What you get is a fully programmable power supply with all manner of controls like input/output voltage and current limiting and more – which takes in up to 60v DC and provides up to 6A output depending on the capability of whatever you feed it with. I received the supply module complete with case and fan today – and now it is on my bench and working.
If you find this interesting you’ll want the English version of the PDF manual here.
I’ll let you look at the photos I took this afternoon. I have looked at power supplies in the past from this company who have their own AliExpress store, but this is the best yet.
The supply came in the most substantial packaging I’ve seen in years, I won’t show a photo of the unpacking as it has my details all over the place, but here are the bits and pieces that emerged once I was finished with the scissors. There were two boxes inside…. the actual power supply… together with ESP-12-based WIFI adaptor and fan supply…

and the case with socket, mains switch, nuts and bolts. I spent the entire afternoon putting this lot together… but I have to say it was an enjoyable experience if a little overwhelming at first – and I immediately ran out of bench space.

As you can see, the “bits and pieces” here include everything you need except for what could be a simple DC unstabilised supply – even a transformer/rectifier/smoothing arrangement – I took the easy route and used a standard 24v fixed cheap switching supply.
Thankfully my 24v supply (actually I have couple lying around from a bargain time AliExpress sale last year) has a tiny adjuster to push that output voltage up beyond 26v, leaving me with the ability to handle outputs of up to 24v, good enough for my purposes.

This is where it got a TAD more complicated, as the holes in the case sisnt quite match those of my power block – but that just meant drilling one new hole. What you see above, top left is the fan which connects to a (hiden from view) supplied board which takes in up to 60v from the supply, has it’s own temperature sensor and controls the fan, leaving it off unless it is needed. Then a normal mains input and switch, also provided with the box, then my own power unit in the middle. Over to the right is the pre-built DP6006 complete with (bottom right) the supplied WIFI adaptor.

The finished job (took maybe 2 hours max easy construction time) looks great but of course there is far more to it than that. The PDF instructions detail an Android App and PC interface if you don’t want to meddle with the front panel (the unit WILL of course run stand-alone if that’s what you want to do with it). There is space on the board for a little battery for storing information (documented in that PDF manual so I won’t go into that as I need to find out what kind of battery it is and install one. I’ll get a battery and do more on that later. For now I’m itching to try out the PC interface and the Android App, all detailed in the PDF document.
I’ve only had the most brief glance at the PC software running on my Windows 10 machine – version dated TODAY – it charges batteries with that central GREEN connector – I LIKE IT. NOT grabbed the APP up yet. How many times have I wished I had this amount of control on a USB supply.

Clearly, not yet perfect bit things have come a long way since the original smaller units I wrote about some time ago like the 5005. This boxed supply certainly looks the part. As for stability – soon.
hello Pete
I use an old atx psu from the many old systems I have had.
I have 3.3v, 5v and +12v -12v on atx 3.3V wires are orange; +5V wires are red; -5V wires (if they are present) are white; +12V wires are yellow; -12V wires are blue; ground wires are black
green wire is the “power on” sensor. This wire is internally connected to 5V with a pull-up resistor. If you connect this wire to ground (any black wire) the power supply will turn on. You might need to add a resistor for minimuim load. I use volt ans ampere meters to check my outputs. by me 3,3v 19amps regulated all the res over 20 amps.
Total cost psu free old throwaway pc. connextor to atx 2,07euro from and meters 5 off at 1,62 euro each from
regards Brian
LOTS of new videos from Ruideng on this PSU on their youtube channel:
review by EEVBLOG:
Their software was kicked from my computer the moment I tried to unzip the file.
Uploaded the file to Jotti’s virusscanner and about 5 of them reported viruses in the Windows tool.
Do you happen to have a version from before the latest version?
I also tried to install the app (from the Google store for a change) and it will allow me to setup the WiFi.
For those searching how to do it, you have to set the data from USB to WiFi in the menu and then “reboot” the front unit. Then it will show the WiFi setup and you have to call “Network distribution” from the app (while connected to a 2.4 GHz network)
But it does seem to not only setup a WiFi network, but also searching for a “server”.
What software must that be?
I cannot connect from the app to the power supply, even though the WiFi module in the power supply does reply to pings and is thus connected.
Hi TD-er,
I installed WIFI board in RD6006 and RdPower APP on phone.
Starting up RD6006, it tells “looking for server” – the use menu APP (top left) and select “Network distribution” – after some time IP address of phone was shown on RD6006 as “Server IP:” – and APP asked for WIFI password.
Now I can set voltage and current limits from APP (also shows graph of V and I)
Could not get PC APP past virus scanner, something announced in manual (follow link on card in box to get manual) – keeps being seen as Trojan…
So.. turn scanner off for a minute…
Can this device be used to measure the energy consumption of low power devices like ESP32 or ESP8266 while the RD6006 powers it? I see that there is a “Ah” value displayed… I usually use the uCurrent or a INA219 + ESP8266 setup to measure a power cycle of my ESP* devices but it would be convenient if the power supply could do this for me
Not spent enough time on it yet… broadband problems.
Hi Daniel. I have this power supply (sent to me by Ruideng for a review), and I have had some time to play around with it. The power supply can definitely be used to measure energy consumption. It can measure in both Ah and Wh.
I assume that the green connector has an internal diode to prevent the battery from damaging the power supply? I read about this lately on a Rigol tech note about using their power supplies to charge batteries.
Right, I’m with you.
Btw, Pete, Christmas is coming.
Nice lamp for Christmas, doesn’t it?
I have them on outside walls here in the UK and in Spain. Lovely.
very nice, indeed 🙂
i like the small form factor box (not the one Peter have), if you already have an external power source
As you can see I have the smaller case with one of their older models… that attaches to a car battery to provide uninterruptible 5.1v for some projects that can’t rely on mains alone – and I have a 24-7 charger on there… here’s the original blog entry.
no, i mean this one, for the same model as this blog article:
here some pictures:
Wow! Dream toy!
Thanks for info.