That title as it happens was a bit premature. Those of you who have been following this blog for sometime will know that the ESP-GO project supports, amongst others, little LCD displays based around the S6D02A1 chip – and has done from the beginning. This VERY inexpensive display is full colour and supports 160 x 128 pixels.
For a while, it seemed to have gone out of favour as a scour around the web for a while including AliExpress showed none of these, only alternatives which are more expensive.
Meanwhile, I ordered a sample ST7735-based board from Ebay at £2.77, GREAT but the overall size is slightly wider. There are drivers for Raspberry Pi out there, I’m not sure but I’ve not seen S6D02A1 drivers for the Pi – anyone know better?
Meanwhile, one reader said he had found an AliExpress ad for the S6D02A1 boards and since then I’ve found several, as low as £2.51 + 13p shipping to the UK.
I know some other readers use these, too. If anyone has a half decent S6D02A1 driver for the Pi (Python) do let me know. ESP-GO supports this display.
towards the end of this page:
“The version from eBay offers three different driver IS’s,S6D02A1 / HX8353 / ST7735. 2 separate items from 2 different sellers (on different sites) both run using the HX8353.”
so maybe you can look for a HX8353 raspberry lib
Hi Pete,
I found that you can shorten the Aliexpress product links by removing all charaters after and including the question mark.
You can also replace further the description after “/item/” and up to the SKU by whatever you like too,.
Check the blog update – I can shorten the links by using my own link generator.
I bought these from Aliexpress in 2016 and the link is still active to buy @£3.16 ..
Well done – I don’t know how I missed that one and I DID check AliExpress..
you’re sure it’s the same? I remember a similar model a while ago, and had a different chipset…
because of this type, if i search for “tft 128×160” i can find A LOT of them, and even cheaper (1€ less):×160
no markings on board, how to be sure it’s correct?