Yes I did think when writing the title that it reminded me of “Ruth Rendell Mysteries”. There are times when I consider taking up a new career in bricklaying and this is one of them. So I’m working with Node-Red and the UI (node-red-contrib-ui) which has a FUNCTION node which…
Category: Node Red
Pm2, Node-Red and the Rock
Well, this isn’t really about the Rock – but does this scenario mean anything to you? You’ve installed Node-Red on a new setup of Debian… and while it has always worked in the past, it just isn’t having it – you can run manually but attempts to run at powerup…
Even More Node Red Contrib UI
As I write this – several conversations are going on around node-red-contrib-ui – and in the process I’ve found issues with the security setup in Node-Red itself – which have been fixed. Since I started this – the designed of the UI has responded to requests for gauges and a…
More Node Red UI
Updated 01/11/2016: Node-Red-UI is of course now Node Red Dashboard – you might want to check out the updates Andrei has now added the gauges below natively to node-red-contrib-ui so my code below is of use only if you want to add something different – though the LEDs are still…
Node Red Modules
All now published – though I now use a function for thermostatic functions so for me the last one is a bit redundant – but big-timer is my all time favourite I’m using all over the place and I use esplogin to watch out for units logging in – like…
Drilling into Blynk
Yesterday I referred to using DELAY in Node-Red to slow down one of the Blynk controls. To backtrack a little… We’re talking here about controlling devices such as ESP8266 boards using MQTTT – which I maintain is the best way to have a boatload of devices around the place and…
A Better Day
A better day today. After switching my WIFI to a separate access point, up to now the WIFI is holding – I’m not convinced but for now all seems well. That has allowed me to spend a little more time with Blynk – and after chatting to the Node-Red node…
Backing up Node-Red
For anyone looking in for the first time – I have a home control system based around ESP8266 boards and the odd Arduino. They talk MQTT to a Raspberry Pi which acts as a central controller – using Node-Red – the greatest thing since sliced bread. I’m in the process…
ESP8266 Progress
There can be no doubt that I still have some way to go in terms of reliability with my test rig in Spain before putting this stuff in charge of the heating back home in the UK: Raspberry Pi 2 is on an un-interruptible supply but does not 100% recover…
A GroveStreams Node Red Node
One of the more obvious things to do with a home control system is to capture information like temperature and humidity – and to graph it. For example I spent part of my time in the UK and part of it in Spain. When I’m not in Spain it is…
External Drive for Pi2
I’ve read many articles about serious use of the Raspberry Pi and I’m now convinced that there is very little chance of mounting a Pi in a cupboard with MSQL and other write-intense programs – and expecting it seriously to last for a year or 3 because of the limited…
Web Sockets Web Page Part 3
For this to make sense you should look at Websockets Web Page Part 1 and Websockets Web Page Part 2 first. In this final section I add styling to the page and also change the code so that you can send a partial message i.e. {“my_input”:”Hello”} without affecting other parts…
A Node-Red Websockets Web Page
Updated 26/04/2015 I’ve been after this ever since I discovered Node-Red.. and right up until this yesterday I was tearing my hair out – having settled for NETIO as my interface of choice and constantly being annoyed by the slow pace of progress with this interface. So what is this…
A Fresh Pi2 Start
The thing about rushing in with something new is that you tend to bring your learning mistakes with you. Firstly for new readers, why am I fascinated with the Raspberry Pi? Well I’ve been working on IOT for some time now and I’ve tried out many ideas most of which…
Node-Red Scheduler
I’m Peter Scargill and this is a scheduler for Node-Red (well, more of a timer really but someone surely has already used the term timer) for Node-Red which includes days and months, dawn and dusk with optional offsets and a time-out mode, You may notice this has improved since the…
Home Control The Next Step
As regular readers will know I’ve pretty much gotten to grips with the whole home control thing having after much research settled on a largely MQTT-based setup using the excellent new Raspberry Pi2 as a hub with Node-Red. Though it could just as easily have been any proper Linux or…
ESP826 + Pi + MQTT + Node-Red Heaven
If you’ve been following the blog you’ll note I’ve spent a lot of time getting to grips with the Raspberry Pi, Node-Red, the ESP chips using C and of course my earlier home control attempts with NETIO, the NRF24L01 boards and Arduino clones (all of which are working 24/7 –…