Hitting an issue with ECLIPSE on the PC and the TERMINAL program. So in our little board we’re using an ATTINY85 to control the programming process for the ESP12s… I have some issues.. If you’re using GPIO as an output to a relay… this whole process can cause the relay…
Category: ESP8266
Making ESP8266 Programming Easier
Updated 09 Apr 2015 – code fix: A little something here from my guest writer and friend Aidan who’s been working with me on the latest home control successes to follow after this blog! If you’ve successfully written and uploaded a piece of C code for the ESP8266 in any…
And now… SMING Framework
As if the LAST announcement about an Arduino development environment wasn’t good enough (if you read my blog I acknowledged that the Arduino IDE was not as good as Eclipse) – there’s an ECLIPSE Arduino environment called Sming Open Source Framework. They’ve not YEY gotten MQTT working apparently but there…
An ESP8266 for Arduino Game Changer?
(updated 2/4/2015) Here we go again – just as you thought it was safe to start coding, another game-changer comes along. This time not only do we have an Arduino IDE for the ESP8266 (which isn’t a stunningly good IDE but it’s awfully familiar to many developers) but also what…
Home Control The Next Step
As regular readers will know I’ve pretty much gotten to grips with the whole home control thing having after much research settled on a largely MQTT-based setup using the excellent new Raspberry Pi2 as a hub with Node-Red. Though it could just as easily have been any proper Linux or…
ESP826 + Pi + MQTT + Node-Red Heaven
If you’ve been following the blog you’ll note I’ve spent a lot of time getting to grips with the Raspberry Pi, Node-Red, the ESP chips using C and of course my earlier home control attempts with NETIO, the NRF24L01 boards and Arduino clones (all of which are working 24/7 –…
ESP01 versus ESP12
And for today’s intriguing question… I’ve been working on the ESP-12 for some time now – the program has never failed to work on power up… today I wanted to put the code back into an ESP-01 as I only wanted to use GPIO0… same code – same kit –…
ESP8266 Start up Crap
I’m pretty pleased with my ESP8266 developments so far. Ditching Lua was a good move as I’m no longer tied for resources… there is however one major annoyance that I’ve not seen a cure for… When you power up the board, in the ESPRESSIF rom there is some setup info…
ESP8266 Tidy PWM
If you check out an earlier post I managed to get PWM working nicely on the ESP-12 on the otherwise unused GPIO15. Well, it was a little messy – so I’ve tidied it up with the use of a struct. Here it is.. You’ll need to make minor mode to…
ESP8266 PWM on One Output
According to the ESP8266 API – you have control over ports 12,13 and 15 for PWM. I’m interested only in using GPIO15 as I have uses for the other port bits – so I took PWM.H and removed reference to the other two ports – leaving only GPIO15. I changed…
WS2812B LEDS flicker
If you recall my earlier post on the code for handling WS2812B LEDs with an ESP-12 or similar – I’ve been discovering the odd flicker on the first LED – recall I lengthened the reset pulse to get rid of this – well, I was still getting it very occasionally…
NODE-RED Development
While I’m sitting in a hotel in Birmingham waiting to do my bit in this month’s #FSBCONF I thought I’d drop down a few notes about Node-Red which is definitely my new toy of choice when it comes to a central hub for home control. I say toy, sitting on…
WS2812b Success on the ESP-12
This one has been long in the making. I’ve had a fair bit of success with the little ESP-12 and it is now my favourite despite the 2mm centres. Why, because it HAS everything – lots of port bits, A/D convertor etc. why on EARTH we all went off and…
The Problem with Ports ESP8266
I was about to write about my stunning success with the ESP8266 and WS2812b chips when I’ve hit a snag. I have a working example of high speed port bashing to control the serial LEDS on GPIO-0.. but I want to use GPIO12. Assuming all of the ports are…
MongoDB on the Pi
I’m busy compiling MongoDB for the Pi and it’s going to take hours apparently – so I figured I’d give you some updates while I’m waiting. I’ve made some progress with my little ESP8266 board (ESP-12) in terms of deciding how to handle MQTT. Initially I had a bunch of…
Many thanks to readers in here for the comments – I can’t believe how keen people are to help. Ok, so you may recall that some time ago I bought an ESP-201 board and the baseboard to with it – the whole lot was about a tenner on Ebay, a…
Webmin for Pi
A friend of mine put me onto this link tonight – a nice web admin panel for the Raspberry Pi… and no I didn’t get around to soldering the ESP-12 module – that’s a writeup for the weekend – and yes, my ESP201 module definitely does NOT have the internal…
Monday Morning at the Lab
Just in case anyone in the UK or EU is even remotely interested, I just put up my little pocket scope on Ebay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231492939705 Meanwhile talking of Ebay, the Raspberry Pi is currently working a treat on THIS little number…. a cheap WIFI dongle. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331400872324 – it’s been running overnight…
ESP8266 MQTT and the UART
I wonder… those of you who have used the excellent MQTT software (stand-alone – not the LUA version)… I need to do two things – one of them is giving me problems but is no doubt trivial – the other I’m hoping someone has already solved. Ok, so I’m using…
So Many Things to Do Video
I’ve been meaning to update the blog – and I just keep getting sidetracked with the many interesting possibilities of Node-Red…. so – I put a short video together here. Should be something of interest in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoQ_Fs31xtM Pete Node-Red on The Raspberry Pi