NOT the cheapest board on the planet, I was handed a couple of these little boards by a friend this weekend.. the weather-2 board. The board uses 2 i2c chips – the BME280 which as you may know is a miraculous little chip offering temperature, humidity and pressure readings all…
Category: i2c
I2C Expansion for Pi and ESP8266
Want 64 GPIO pins on your ESP8266 or Raspberry Pi? Read on. If like me you are not THAT familiar with I2c, you might find the results of my experiments interesting and perhaps even useful. If like me you are not THAT familiar with I2c, you might find the results…
The Light Fantastic
This morning, a long-forgotten package turned up for me – a cheap but accurate light level sensor from China – claimed to be around 1 lux accuracy and giving a direct output in lux. A small board is available here in Britain for around £4 or the identical board from…
Faster ESP I2C
Experimenting with I2c on the ESP8266? I am – and I’m having a great time with it. If you’re using my code you don’t really need to think about it but if you’re hunting around for better I2c for the ESP – or maybe interfacing the ESP8266 to Arduino –…
I2C the Easy Way
If you’re going to experiment with I2C – may as well do it the easy way. Having spent the past few days with a desk that looks remarkably like a bowl of spaghetti, I’ve finally gotten around to making a special IOTBEAR board up for the job. 18 each of…
Midweek Ramblings
Following my addition of the BME280 code to Home Control 2016, a couple of guys have suggested they might like to see more accuracy than the integer I use for temperature so I’ve added a new polled value {hightemperature} which is simply the temperature value *10 – but with that…
I2C Continuum
Updated August 07. 2016: This article which started off discussing the “new addition” of i2c to the home control software, is now NOT ONLY about an I2c 2/4 line LCD display facility recently added to the ESP8266 boards – but there’s a PARALLEL version as well, making use of GPIO…
I2C Conundrums
Resolved – working though still don’t know why Arduino single write was causing problems – however – got a way around it. Firstly why am I doing this i2c thing? Well, the little ESP8266 is a wonderful thing but there are some chips out there that are really neat and…
Sunday Morning Experimenting
I figured after a couple of horrendous days figuring out what was wrong with my ROMS, it was time for a morning’s relaxing. Some time ago I added I2c to the Home Control software but never actually got around to doing anything with it. The i2c parallel expansion modules I…