This morning I went off to the post office to pick my new new Pixie Pro – making sure that the tax man got his share and that the post office got their rip-off “handling fee” of £8 – yes that’s £8 pounds not dollars. Not that you have any…
Category: Uncategorized
Monday Update
Node-Red-Contrib-UI: Just a quick update … not heard anything from Andrei re: node-red-contrib-ui recently – I could not get his experimental version to work and I’ve heard nothing since. I do hope the project is still alive. I have high hopes for it but right now the display is a…
Orange Pi PC Setup
Here’s a new video as we’ve changed the script since the one I had up here yesterday – it takes a long time to do the install and so here is what you get when you’ve done the install. The script now does it all. So – take a look…
Raspberry Pi hanging on reboot
Ok, this is a favour for my pal David Miles. He’s struggling with a PI which stops right at the last minute when powering down or rebooting – as per the image here. I’ve never had this trouble so I’m not a good one to comment – anyone struggled and…
Obsolete Fixed IP Tutorials
I’ve just spent half the day trying to fix the address of one of my Raspberry Pis. No matter what I did, it kept the address that it was assigned some time ago. I even tied the IP address to MAC in the router – and THAT didn’t help. Countless…
Screen on Raspberry Pi
This is so much fun I’ve added it to my Raspberry Pi install script Self Explanatory in the article except I used: sudo apt-get install screen (As user Pi) Pete.
Happy New Year
Just wasted part of the day trying to get Python 3 working properly on an upgraded Raspberry Pi 2 updated from Wheezy to Jessie without luck – very depressing – so I think an early night (yes, on NYE – having seen the fireworks in Moscow and the “special” fireworks…
New ESP Boards
Are these new? Reader Christian brought these to my attention this evening – price is ok – and if size is at a premium…. Small footprint, USB-to-TTL is on the underside. This is quite interesting when space is an issue. Supplier also has a DHT11 shield: Next is a…
The more I dig into Node-Red the more I end up coding my own routines – and the internal function has nice colour coding etc but eventually you start to get a little frustrated with the internal editor especially if you are used to using an IDE. It just so…
Espressif ESP8266 New SDK Update
You may be aware that ESPRESSIF have released a new update to their SDK which now stands at version 1.5 I’ll be interested to hear what experience other folks have of this.. On compiling my normal home control code which has worked without modification since version 1.0 I got this..…
Node Red Script
Now that I’m back in the UK, I’ve left a Raspberry Pi2 in Spain monitoring my solar pergola lighting installation as an ESP8266 measures the state of a solar-charged car battery every 15 minutes and reports minimum and maximum voltages daily by email. The unit also controls lighting and while…
Couple of days or so of quiet coming up this end. Travelling from the bottom of Spain to the Northeast of Britain. No doubt today was the last day of sun I’ll see this year….
ESP8266 3D WIFI Mapping
The ingenuity of people never ceases to amaze me – watch this guy as he uses an ESP8266 to provide a stunning 3D map of WIFI signal strength in his office – amazing.
WIFI Congestion?–Help Requested?
Update: See bottom I have a problem – and I’m going to shamelessly use this blog to see if someone can help. In the midst of my home control nirvana – I’m having some WIFI issues that I simply don’t understand. So – my setup: Broadband coming in is maybe…
Raspberry Pi Serial and Node-Red issues
SOLVED: Node-Red serial I/O Looks simple doesn’t it – tie RX and TX together on your Raspberry Pi and press the button – text comes out of the other end – except that it doesn’t. More likely the Pi will CRASH (not something you see every day). Serial out seems…
In case anyone was thinking I’d fallen off a cliff.. I’m waiting for my Orange Pi PC to turn up so I can find out if it works of if the doubters are correct. In the meantime I’m working on my script to install everything but the kitchen sink –…
Javascript woes
Someone put me out of my misery… why doesn’t this work… var x=[];x[0]=255;x[1]=255;x[2]=0;var t=x[0].toString(16)+x[1].toString(16)+x[2].toString(16);alert(t);$(‘div’).attr(‘style’, ‘background:#’+t+’ !important’); I’m changing the colour of some panels… THIS works.. $(‘div’).attr(‘style’, ‘background:#ffff00 !important’); but THIS doesn’t $(‘div’).attr(‘style’, ‘background:#’+t+’ !important’); even though t=’ffff00’
Driving me NUTS
This has been driving me mad and I’ve only just found the answer – thanks to some clues people have given me – but as many of the responses were wrong – you might well find this interesting. I have a an array of 180 bytes – for 60 serial…
Apologies to those of you trying to get to the blog yesterday. For reasons not yet known, the site came to a grinding halt and it took the service providers until this morning to bring it back online. It now appears to be working very quickly. Let’s hope that was…
ESP RTC Local Time
So there’s a nice project for the mathematically inclined. My ESP boards get the time (summer time and location corrected) via MQTT where that’s worked out on a more powerful Raspberry Pi. They also get dusk and dawn times. As it is possible on the ESP to get the time…