PLEASE NOTE – IT LOOKS LIKE THE COMPANY MAKING THE CRICKET, CEASED OPERATION IN SEPTEMBER 2022 – I LOOKED UP SYLWESTER BALA – COFOUNDER – on LINKEDIN! Of course we’ve all seen this form factor before – ESP8266 on a board with power and antenna, FLASH etc.. The ESP-12 is…
Category: ESP8266
HC 2020 and ESP-GO
Introduction (Latest update February 01, 2020) Minor update here – I’ve gone back to SDK 2.1 for now as RBOOT will just not reliably OTA on SDK 3.1 – and there is nothing wrong with SDK 2.1 Sick of reading about other people’s home control? Want to make your own?…
The Wall Display
This blog has been updated as I’ve discovered that these displays are, after all, still freely available from AliExpress. I’ve recently spent time working on my hallway wall display, an amount of time which would be considered commercial suicide. Good job it isn’t commercial. Of course I’ve not just been…
Arduino Peripheral for HC2019
As many of you know, I don’t have a great deal of time for Arduino for WIFI/Ethernet – I cannot tell you how many months I wasted on those daft cheap Ethernet boards for them which never really worked reliably no matter what I did – so I probably have…
HC 2018 Experiments
Throughout the development of the Home Control 2018 project I’ve constantly had the software tied a via a serial umbilical to my PC to monitor passing messages, make sure all is well etc. and to periodically check on RAM space to make sure nothing I’m doing is running away with…
Home Control ESP Software Branding at Last
For far too long I’ve been sitting watching others give their ESP8266 home control software branding without following the trend. Having just spend umpteen solid hours updating the software, I’m taking the opportunity, merely for clarity, to go with the trend, The ESP8266 software, used extensively here and by blog…
The Script and ESP8266 Code for Beginners
I’m often asked about setting up MQTT, Node-Red etc. on the likes of Raspberry Pi, NanoPi or similar, with a view to controlling ESP8266 devices. Novice readers start here Usually it is difficult for me to see this from a beginner perspective, but having spent 2 months in hospital thanks…
ESP8266 and ATMEGA2560 Mega Board
You may recall my blog entry about my “universal peripheral” – using the little Arduino Nano or similar clones with an ESP8266 – with the former providing GPIO via an I2c connection. Well, that led me to getting this little number from Banggood – the Wemos Atmega + WiFi R2…
INA219/ESP8266 and Node Red
In a previous blog entry we were playing with the INA219 voltage and current monitor. Here I team the little board up with the ESP8266 and Node-Red. In this entry, I have teamed up the INA219 with my ESP8266 code which already has a driver in for this chip and…
ESP8266 Lies and Deceit
It never ceases to amaze me when looking through Ebay, the level to which companies or individuals are prepared try to mislead the public or at best are simply unable to form sentences correctly. Some even tell outright lies. Let’s take one of my favourite subjects, the ESP8266 boards. Way…
A Tad more SSD1306
Just a short update – in my ESP8266 code I have a driver for the SSD1306 – and one of our readers had difficulty with this some time ago. Today I read the manual. Ooh, err. It turns out I’d put the wrong command in place – it worked if…
A Flashing ESP Chips Surprise
Well, you could have blown me away. Tonight was making a little relay controller for the hot tub using a WEMOS board and relay board. I carefully soldered them together and plugged them into a USB connection on my PC, as I’ve done thousands of times. Also as I’ve done…
Simple Scope
You may have noticed that I’ve been working on my ESP8266 home control software (see the updates elsewhere along with new diagram), specifically upgrading and adding to the number of OLED and LCD displays I can handle, either by I2c or SPI. I’ve been doing a lot of optimising and…
In case you were wondering – no, I’ve not gone off the boil, I’ve been quietly beavering away on my ESP8266 code since deciding to abandon the old ESP-01 and adding fonts for displays. Right now I’m focussing on the QD-Tech boards – 120×160 but I’ll eventually migrate the use…
What a Week
What a week this has been. Firstly apologies to everyone seeing 404 errors yesterday. It turns out it was an issue with settings on the LightSpeed servers the provider is using… I’ve had no end of issues with them… but hopefully this is now resolved. Meanwhile I’ve been doing a…
ESP8266 Home Control Update
As the blog entry on using my home control code ROMS for ESP8266 is filling up and of course as much of the information is now dating I thought I’d do a new blog to bring everyone up to speed and move the conversation to this blog entry. The good…
ESP8266 Lessons Learned
The Trip: As regular readers may know, early in 2016 I worked in Spain on a contract with some great guys to analyse information from ESP8266 chips. Without going into any commercial detail, this is what I brought back from that trip as well as other lessons learned since then.…
ESP8266 Code Update
The code that forms a series of articles on this blog has now not been updated for some time – simply because it “just works” and has been doing so reliably for many months. However, I’ve been wanting to add bits to it and my problem was I was running…
Cheap NodeMCU Boards
This could be the shorted blog I’ve ever written! We’ve been talking about ESP8266 recently and as I was running out of boards, I sent off for some of these from AliExpress – my favourite store next to Ebay. At a total cost of just over £3 they had to…
I’m looking forward to trying out the new ESP12-S – this one apparently has a better antenna – and by the look of the schematic (see page 15 – thanks Alexander) the resistors on reset, GPI))0,2 and 15 are already there. That should simplify layout somewhat! – Hmm,…