For far too long I’ve been sitting watching others give their ESP8266 home control software branding without following the trend. Having just spend umpteen solid hours updating the software, I’m taking the opportunity, merely for clarity, to go with the trend, The ESP8266 software, used extensively here and by blog…
Category: ESP-12F
INA219/ESP8266 and Node Red
In a previous blog entry we were playing with the INA219 voltage and current monitor. Here I team the little board up with the ESP8266 and Node-Red. In this entry, I have teamed up the INA219 with my ESP8266 code which already has a driver in for this chip and…
ESP8266 Lies and Deceit
It never ceases to amaze me when looking through Ebay, the level to which companies or individuals are prepared try to mislead the public or at best are simply unable to form sentences correctly. Some even tell outright lies. Let’s take one of my favourite subjects, the ESP8266 boards. Way…
The Script and RPI 3 Update
Having started putting together “the script” a long time ago, long before the Raspberry Pi 3 came out – and having developed it to handle a wide range of boards and scenarios including of course the Pi3, I found it interesting to return today to installing “the script” on the…
A Flashing ESP Chips Surprise
Well, you could have blown me away. Tonight was making a little relay controller for the hot tub using a WEMOS board and relay board. I carefully soldered them together and plugged them into a USB connection on my PC, as I’ve done thousands of times. Also as I’ve done…
ESP8266 Home Control Update
As the blog entry on using my home control code ROMS for ESP8266 is filling up and of course as much of the information is now dating I thought I’d do a new blog to bring everyone up to speed and move the conversation to this blog entry. The good…
ESP8266 Lessons Learned
The Trip: As regular readers may know, early in 2016 I worked in Spain on a contract with some great guys to analyse information from ESP8266 chips. Without going into any commercial detail, this is what I brought back from that trip as well as other lessons learned since then.…
Weather 2 Board and ESP8266
NOT the cheapest board on the planet, I was handed a couple of these little boards by a friend this weekend.. the weather-2 board. The board uses 2 i2c chips – the BME280 which as you may know is a miraculous little chip offering temperature, humidity and pressure readings all…
16 Channels of PWM for ESP8266
This morning a little board turned up for me – the advert said “Smart Electronics” – but the board says Adafruit 16-channel 12-bit PWM board. At £1.38 each these represent EXCELLENT value – especially as the Adafruit originals are much more expensive. Nicely made with gold connections and all the…
ESP8266 Meets Arduino via I2C
If you’ve been reading the blog regularly you’ll know I added I2c to the ESP8266 code some time ago – that is, the ability to send an I2c message either to read or write – originally intended and still working with cheap I/O expanders – so you lose 2 wires…
Flashing HC 2019 Code
This entry is now incorporated into the main Home Control blog entry. This is for the people who’ve been trying out my software (or thinking of trying it out) on the ridiculously cheap (£1.40) but very reliable, powerful and comprehensive ESP12 WIFI processor board and those who’ve gone ahead and…
ESP12 and Memory
Anyone writing large projects with the ESP units in C (and probably in other languages without necessarily realising it) will have come across the problems of .TEXT memory. This is the RAM used to store functions. Functions are stored in their own part of RAM called .TEXT memory and it…
APDS9960 Gesture Sensing with ESP8266
A thought for a little display project. I recently came across some code for an LCD display (160*240 – detailed in a previous blog) using the ESP12 and an LCD display. But I’m inclined to use the Nextion display (also detailed in a previous blog) because it is touch sensitive.…
Erm, no, though you might think so by this headline.. Read the comments – the $5 ESP8266 – where? $2 ESP8266 more like it – less, even – There’s even a claim that this new single-source board (Seeed Studio) has MORE memory – well at least one variation…
Automatic Router Selection for ESP8266
I wonder if anyone who has done this can help. As most of you know, I program my ESP8266 devices in C. I’ve been having some issues with weak signal recently and it would be really nice to have a list of acceptable access points and their passwords – and…
ESP8266 Remote Access
Notice I titled that remote access as against remote programming – but that’s part of it. Years ago, having gotten sick and tired of dismantling my home control Arduinos just to upgrade the code, I purchased a couple of small units from China which I’ve just thrown in the bin. …
The ESP-12F seems to have appeared out of no-where. It appears to be nothing more than the ESP-12E – perhaps someone can enlighten us. It is cheap, no doubt about it at $2 inc. shipping or around what, £1.32 UK money? This things are now so cheap that the support…