In implementing my own home control solution which you’ll find in this blog “home control 2015” the software has been and remains a work in progress – mainly because I keep finding bugs and adding new features. I’m fairly confident that most of the bugs that have plagued me over…
Category: ESP-12E
Driving me NUTS
This has been driving me mad and I’ve only just found the answer – thanks to some clues people have given me – but as many of the responses were wrong – you might well find this interesting. I have a an array of 180 bytes – for 60 serial…
EasyTransfer for ESP8266
I’m going to describe here the transmitting side of the EasyTransfer system as used in Arduino – the reason I did this was because I wanted to ship a bunch of binary data from the ESP8266 to the Arduino where I have a nice little wall mounted LCD display –…
ESP8266 Mesh
Here it is – the ESP8266 Mesh English doc – who will be first to get this going? The Chinese docs have been out for some time as has the mesh SDK but the English docs just came out today – have fun.
Home Control Scheduler
This is a follow-on article from my blog Home Control 2019 which concerns itself with IOT around the home – you might want to read that first. Scheduler is now defunct, replaced by node-red-contrib-bigtimer. Many articles on DIY home control tend to scratch the surface and you don’t find out…
ESP8266 Arduino NetIO Server Demo
This week as regular readers know I was far away from our little home in Spain – in fact I was at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, helping promote ESP8266 technology (why? because I could). Along the way I met up with Ivan Grokhotkov who as some of…
FAB11 – Boston
This coming Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday I’ll be working with Espressif CEO Swee-Ann Teo, Jeroen Domburg, Ivan Grokkhotkov and others at FAB11 in Boston – demonstrating how to use the ESP8266 chips in home control and other applications. Heading off from Alicante (Spain) first thing in the morning tomorrow (Sunday) and arriving late…
Just a quick note – as a few of you have said you’ve had issues flashing ESP boards and some have worked then not worked etc… ensure you use the relevant pull ups and pull downs and the right voltages. As you know I do a LOT of work with…
ESP8266 Reliability and ID
Questions for you C programming ESP8266 guys re: the ESP SDK (1.2.0) and some possibly important info on WIFI and MQTT reliability. In the SDK: wifi_station_set_hostname wifi_station_get_hostname HOST ID…. If you do an IP scan on a windows network – ESP units will coming up as IP addresses – and…
Hackitt and Bodgitt discover Healthy Lighting
There has been a lot of talk in the press recently about the colour of lighting and it’s relevance to health. As far back as 2012, the BBC reported that NASA were to test “space-sleep colour-changing lights” on the international space station and since then there have been a number…
Accessing ESP8266 Arrays in FLASH
A new challenge – the answer to which I will post in here. Accessing an ESP8266 C array in FLASH – i.e. never touching RAM until you actually access something. One suggestion was to ensure you use 4-byte variables.. so I tried this – it compiled – the array is…
Lua Revisited
Back in the dark ages when the ESP8266 was something new, I had a go at the nodeMCU software, essentially implementing the Lua language (or a subset of it) on the ESP8266. At the time I was not familiar with Lua but thanks to some of the excellent resources out…
A new Day – A new Board
While waiting we’ve done ourselves a new board – it’s not too obvious but under that power supply / dc/dc convertor area – are three MOSFETS for PWM use and we’ve added a connector so you could stick some RGB serial LED strip straight onto a connector. GPIO16 is on…
More ESP8266 Woes
Updated Sunday 22/06/2015 : The thing about the ESP8266 is there is always something new to discover problems with!! So this week – The new PWM module appears to have issues and as we don’t have the source, we can’t fix them. Right now it will only do up to…
ESP8266 Debug
So – I’ve learned quiet a lot in the past few days.. Watchdogs on the ESP8266 Since Espressif SDK 1.01 or thereabouts, watchdog timer operation seems to have changed – delays of any length even in init() are out – or so it would seem? So I got onto Stanza…
3rd Generation ESP
At long last – a board without bugs! Well, we decided not to bother with the little ‘85 control chip but other than that everything works – no hidden repair links. The white board in the middle is the latest and it is sporting an ESP-12e though we’ve not attempted…
As often as not, when I reset an ESP8266 by using the system reset call in the SDK, after flashing – for example. if (strcmp(token, “id”) == 0) { if (isQuery) RESPONSE(“ID=%s\r\n”, sysCfg.base); else if (strlen(strValue)>=2){ strcpy(sysCfg.base, strValue); CFG_Save(); system_restart(); } The unit does not come out of reset.. the…
ESP8266 Bliss
You may have seen comments in here from Richard Burton about his bootloader. Well, I have to tell you – what a game-changer. If you look at a previous blog where I showed you how we’d moved code from the fairly normal 0x40000 starting point down to 0x20000 – freeing…
ESP8266 SDK 1.11
Just a short one for those of you who’ve not tried the new Espressif SDK update yet (SDK 1.11). I noted a pair of commands “system_param_load” and “system_param_save_with_protect” which appear to replace the need for the load and save functions that TuanPM uses in his code in /mqtt/config.c – so…
ESP8266 Guesswork
My thanks to Richard Burton for some updates. This entry which started out as guesswork (but with a practical aim) turns out to have been not that far off – I’ve amended the text and it’s now hopefully a decent guide to memory use in the ESP8266 etc… (bear in…