Apologies to anyone looking in this morning. I tried to get just a little too clever with the blog and it fell over – so anyone looking in while I was asleep (British time) would have seen a dead site – all working. As this blog is new could you…
Update at 13:22:00 on 02/02/2015 This morning I had an email to say the WIFI loss was fixed in the MQTT code. I downloaded the latest MQTT software and put my code back into it. I turned the WIFI off for a few seconds then back on – that worked,…
The New ESP201 and Dev Board
All I have time for right now, here’s the new board, the ESP-01 (left) next to it should give you an idea of the size of both the development board and the ESP8266 board that goes into it – NOT SMALL. And yes, those are 0.1” centres. No points for…
The ESP8266 Grand Master Plan
So… here’s where I’m up to with my little project… currently stalled until we can figure out why the ESP8266 is not recovering from loss of WIFI. This is “the plan. Using the basic MQTT code, I’ve added the ability to control GPIO0 and take input from say a Dallas…
A Brave New World… no just a new blog
Good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are! You may notice that you’re looking at a different site – i.e. NOT scargill.wordpress.com but tech.scargill.net – and for good reason. The blog has proven popular and I want more control over the site – in terms of plug-ins to offer code highlighting and a…
Solid State Relays
Yesterday I published a blog about some little DIP solid state relays – and was reminded by a friend that these… http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351198840167?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT are cheaper and higher power if not so tiny – and he’s right – I have some and they work a treat. If you try them from GPIO0…
ESP8266 and Lost WIFI Connection
Something those of you planning to use your ESP8266 units in remote installations might want to be aware of. I’ve been working with TUAN who developed the MQTT software – now, I’m sure it has nothing to do with his code… but essentially, I’m using his latest software as the…
ESP8266 and JSON
Has anyone using the ESP8266 with the SDK had a go at using the JSON routines yet? I ask because I need to pass several MQTT messages to the board in a string. I can of course do this the hard way, comma delimiter or similar, but it would be…
The PR26MF22NSZ and it’s larger cousin the PR39MF22NSZ are miniature 8-pin devices which look for all the world like any other 8-pin chip – but are able to switch mains power at up to 0.9amps – i.e. up to 200w. Seems unbelievable but that’s the claim – sensible you could…
Has anyone had a go at making a set of macros or defines in C to make the programming of the GPIO pins easier? For people used to: setMode(1,OUTPUT); a cold sweat appears when confronted with PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDI_U, FUNC_GPIO12); And if you’re only dealing with GPIO0 and GPIO2 then that’s not…
Cricket Simulator
You would think there would be loads of these floating around, but no, people make them the hard way. So here, rescued from my original wordpress site – is my Digistump (Arduino) cricket generator (sound simulator). I figured this out back in 2014 while sitting in the sun in Spain.…
The Mighty 1284p
The 1284p is the next step up from the ATMega328 chip powering many of the “Arduino” type microcontroller boards and their many clones. Why another chip? Well, anyone who has used the ATMega328 knows that it’s a great controller chip but the lack of RAM soon gets very tiring. Also…