This fellow seems to have put together a nice MQTT data logger for Windows – nice to see support for MS users. I’ve just installed the logger on my PC. GOOD use for my new large screen.
15 thoughts on “Credit Where Due–MQTT Logger”
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an other (seems) good mqtt manager, suggested on Tasmota discord channel to remove retained messages from mqtt without deleting mosquitto database completely…
Well, it certainly has some uses I can see.
It is only a 32bit app which isn’t ideal and isn’t signed which makes Windows 10 nervous understandably. It also tried to automatically create a link, I’m guessing on the desktop which fell foul of my advanced security settings 😉
But it works and I like the grouping and filtering. Not really all that useful if you have JSON payloads though. Also, I think you can only connect to a single MQTT broker? I use 2 at the moment.
Still, more useful than the busy MQTT-spy UI if you just want a quick overview of a single broker.
Connected to my live HA system, it is currently using 126MB after 5 or 10 minutes and very little CPU. Seems to peak and then return to around 110-113MB. Naturally, this is creeping up as it logs more data.
Hi Phil, I had exactly the same situation with Kaspersky anti virus, It detected supposedly malicious code in the .exe file. Probably a false positive but it made me wonder what anti virus software people were running who got the software to work properly. I haven’t had time to try it again, perhaps by somehow telling the AV the software is OK. Kaspersky deleted it from my system.
Kaspersky which I use on six machines has never been any trouble for years. I do not know if it is possible to send the software to Kaspersky and get them to check it.
I also left a note on the authors GitHub but to date have received no response.
Well I tried to install it but Avira anti virus blocked it with “Heur/APC” found.
Possibly a false positive, anyone else had this?
It doesn’t trigger Windows Defender. But it does mark it as untrusted since it isn’t a signed executable.
Antonio and Peter, I had, prior to posting on this blog done exactly what you suggested and posted the issue on the authors Github. I was not complaining either, I simply posted my experience to date on the basis it might help others, because it is clear not everyone is having a good experience with this software.
Good thinking…
I am having problems installing the software. Did anyone who has run it successfully do anything other than download the zip, decompress it, the put the resultant folders into a folder on the C drive as esp-now-projects and then click on the exe to run it? When I do that it shows an error ‘Cannot access device\path’ and then the exe file disappears. I’ve tried it both as normal user and admin.
I too have run the brilliant MQTT-Spy for years ever since Peter first referred to it.
i suggest everybody with problems to properly open an issue on the author’s github… it’s useless to complain here, let the author know of the problems so he can fix them…
After your suggestion, I loaded MQTT-Logger onto my Windoz 7 box.
After a week of running, I have had no problems with the program
I have a very busy MQTT net, with some 35 devices, running my off-grid home.
So I rate it 5 stars…. Thanks for the recommendation !!!
Well, I use MQTT Spy and have done for years. It is very good. However, I installed this software after Antonio (Mr Shark) suggested it. Connected immediately, no problem so possibly something up with your setup?? I have a username and password on my RPI based Mosquito broker.
me here no problems on my pc (which is not as fast, a celeron n4000), connecting to a vps where i’ve my broker installed
Hmmm… can’t get it to connect to a broker on local Raspberry-Pi and it takes an enormous amount of running resources on a reasonable laptop with 64-bit Win7. In fact, it is *so* bad, I have to terminate the process to get anything else done! I like the concept, and I’m sure it would be great if it works, but a bit of a fail for me at the moment. I might try on a Win10 machine and see if it is any better.
Seems just as bad on Win10. Locks up the computer ; appears to run multiple instances, and uses >50% of available memory resources. Besides, it just will not connect to my broker. Not a well behaved application at all! Removed it and I’ll stick with MQTT Spy which is very good.
Couldn’t agree more with your comment Peter. Not everyone gets thrilled about data sorting and filtering tools but this thing is fantastic.