IMHO the most important thing next to having a sparkly SmartPhone is to have sparkly screen protectors to keep the phone looking new. If you follow the blog you’ll know I’m particularly proud of my Pocophone F1 and want to keep it in the best possible condition.
To that end I bought an all-around back cover to ensure that corners and edges were well protected. You would THINK that any old screen protector would do the job, but with such a back, what ACTUALLY happens with some of the screen covers I’ve used which offer edge to edge protection (bear in mind that like many other modern phones, the absolute edges of the screen are bevelled).

Well, the result of all of that is that up to now, my screen covers have ended up lifting at the edges over time. Not any more. I just received a couple of (for Xiaomi Pocophone F1) – there will be similar models for other phones. These work a treat and they are inexpensive (depending on where you live, VERY inexpensive). See link above.
These protectors came complete with wipes, well packaged and have a single wide slot at the top. A perfect fit for my Pocophone. The ones I refer to above were slightly cheaper but these WORK.